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“Like what?” she asked suspiciously.

“Hmm. I don’t know. I could squeeze your nose.” He pinched her nose between his thumb and forefinger.

“I don’t think so.”

“Well . . . I could squeeze your ass.”

Do not blush.

Do. Not.

“This is highly inappropriate.”

“Uh-uh, there you go, trying to pull away from me. I’m not having it. You try to put that shield between us and I might be forced to batter it down.”

“With what?”

He grinned. “Why, little darlin’, I don’t think you’re ready for that. But keep pushing and you’ll find out.”


She wanted to know.

And she knew that she was playing with fire if she kept pushing him.

However, she wasn’t sure why he was talking to her like this. He’d laughed at the idea of him wanting to have sex with her.

Hurt filled her.

“I’m not telling Pippa that you’re not going.”

“Fine, I’ll find a way to let her know.”

“No, you won’t.” He led her into an ice cream shop.

Holy. Heck.

Not just any ice cream shop. The most amazing ice cream shop she’d ever seen. This place looked like it had it all. She wanted to press her face to the glass cover like a little kid and squeal in delight.


This place was awesome and she had to hide her excitement. Her Little side was fighting hard to come out. Hux seemed to bring that side out, maybe because he was so full of fun that she just wanted to join him.

Although he could be stern as well.

He moved behind her, wrapping his arm around her. She could soon become addicted to his touch. “You’re going to the fair because I know you really want to. And I don’t want to hear you call yourself an idiot again. This is your one warning, little darlin’. I might like to play. But I am very serious about not allowing you to treat yourself badly.”

Shit. Where had this man come from?

And why did she feel like melting in his arms?

“Now, come on. It’s our first date. We shouldn’t be all serious. What flavor do you want? I’m fond of licorice. Or pistachio. Lemon poppyseed. Ooh, donut flavor. Donut ice cream? I am there.”

She took in the flavors. There had to be at least a hundred.

But coffee and candy really appealed.

Only . . . she shouldn’t.

“I don’t want any. Thank you. Do they have coffee? Black.”

“You don’t come to an ice cream shop and order plain black coffee, little darlin’. Tell me what you want.”

She shook her head.

“My treat,” he cajoled.

“No, thank you.” It was time to take back control. There was little she had control over. But what she ate was still something she had some say in. Although she knew that if she started putting on weight that Jonathan would have another reason to criticize her.

However, that was never likely to happen with the way she ate and the long runs she took daily to save her sanity.

“Hmm . . . you know I have this urge to tell Judd what your nickname for him is.”

She glared at him. “You wouldn’t.”

“What sort of ice cream do you want?” he asked, looking like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

“You said you wouldn’t tell him.”

“No, I didn’t,” he sang.

She thought back over the conversation. Shoot. He was right. He hadn’t said that he wouldn’t tell.

“I’ll have the coffee and candy,” she muttered.

“Good girl.”

Do not react.

Do. Not.

Shit, it was hard to keep her face blank. To keep from showing how his words lit her from the inside out.

“Come sit down and I’ll order it for you. Stay right there, understand?”

“I understand. Only a small ice cream. And a coffee.”

“Doubling up on the caffeine. I like your style.”

Chloe sat at a table. There were some other couples in the parlor, eating ice cream. At the table behind her, two men took turns feeding a woman bites of ice cream.

Longing filled her.

That wasn’t something she could entertain. That life would never be hers.

“You’re not supposed to look sad when you’re eating, little darlin’. That just breaks my heart.”

She forced herself to smile. “I’m not sad.”

“Uh-uh, no lying. Or I’ll tell Beck.”


“Yep. He’s the big McDaddy out of all of us.”


“The daddiest of us all. Judd has big Daddy vibes too. He’s a bit of a stickler for the rules. But he’ll often go easy on the punishments. Especially if you cry. Judd is a sucker for tears and deep down, deep, deep down, he’s a softie. Not Beck. Beck won’t waver. He doesn’t yell or get mad. He doesn’t overreact. He’s big on honesty and communication and respect. All the good ones.”

“They’re both Daddy Doms?”

“Yep. Sure are.”

“What about Owen?”

“Owen’s ways are a mystery to all,” he said. “Seriously. I don’t know with that guy. I know he likes control in the bedroom. But he didn’t take a Daddy Dom role with our last girlfriend.”

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