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Maybe because the ice is melting . . . your barrier is cracking.

It’s them.

When they got back to the palace yesterday, Jonathan had told her that he had some work he’d be doing in the office he’d been given in the palace and that he didn’t need her help. It had been a reprieve she hadn’t been expecting.

So she’d taken herself off for a nap to try and ease her headache. And ended up sleeping until now. Getting up, she stretched and checked the time.

Four a.m.

Moving to the bathroom, she washed her face and took a look at herself in the mirror.

She looked tired. But it was more than pushing herself too hard or a change in timezone.

This was a bone-deep fatigue. She was tired of this life. Of living this way.

She breathed in deep. The anxiety was buzzing away under her skin. No way was she going back to sleep.

Their eyes never stopped watching her.

Bile rose.

No. No.

She shook her head. She wouldn’t let the memories overtake her. What she needed was to run. Moving back into the bedroom, she grabbed some workout clothes.

Today, they were touring another two factories. She needed to get her head back in the game.

Walking into the living room, she paused as she saw a tray on the dining table. It had covered plates sitting on it. Pulling off the plates, her eyebrows rose as she saw a steak with mashed potatoes and baby carrots.

It had probably been delicious. Ten hours ago.

She pulled up another lid, surprise hitting her as she saw some pasta in the shape of jungle animals with a tomato sauce and cheese sprinkled on top.

Had Jonathan ordered this?

She was so confused.

Putting the lid back, she crept over to peer through the window. The sky was starting lighten, and she couldn’t see anyone.

Did she risk it? Or go through the other door? Deciding it was best to go the other way, she moved over and opened the door. Then she walked swiftly along the passage to an outside door.

A deep breath escaped her. Free.

“You’re up early this morning.”

A screech left her lips as someone moved from the shadows.

“Quiet or you’ll wake someone.”

Irritation filled her. This guy. He was . . . impossible!

“If you hadn’t snuck up on me I wouldn’t have screamed!” She started walking away from the palace so that they didn’t accidentally wake anyone up.

That would be embarrassing.

Judd stopped her with his hand on her arm. She jumped slightly. But it wasn’t fear she felt as he touched her.

Nope. Instead her silly body heated up, wanting to lean closer.

Stupid Chloe.

He’s a jerk. There’s no way you should find him attractive.

“You should be more aware of your surroundings,” he reprimanded. “It’s dark. I could have been anyone. What if I’d been looking to hurt you?”

“How do I know you’re not!”

He took a half step back. “You think I’d hurt you?”


But that didn’t mean she should tell him that. Or trust him. That would be an idiotic move.

“You just snuck up on me in the dark,” she said. But there was no real heat in her voice.

“I’m here to protect you. If you’d contacted me and told me you were leaving the suite then I could have arranged to meet you. Instead, you’re sneaking around like a naughty child who can’t follow the rules laid out for her protection.”


She had to admit that he had a point. She had been sneaking around, knowing that they didn’t want her running on her own.

Chloe took a deep breath in. She hated being reprimanded. Especially when she was in the wrong.

“I apologize.”

“And what’s more, you . . . what?”

“I said I apologize. I still think that I shouldn’t have to contact one of you when I’m leaving to go for a run. But I know that you feel I should and you’re just trying to do your job. I’m not trying to make it more difficult.”

There was silence from him. Her eyes had adjusted so she could now take in his handsome features. He often looked so cold and harsh. But in the soft light, he seemed almost approachable.

Judd opened his mouth and she braced herself for whatever dickish thing he was going to say yet.

He might look gorgeous and softer right now. But she knew that he wasn’t.

“You apologize?” he asked, sounding confused.

“Um, yep.” She clenched her hands into fists behind her back where he couldn’t see her.

“Apology accepted.”

Right. That hadn’t been what she’d expected. What was going on in his mind?

“And you will promise next time that you will contact me before leaving your suite.”

She narrowed her gaze. And there he was.

“If I want to go running, I will contact you. Or one of the others.”

“You will contact me. Beck doesn’t run and Hux is still recovering. His cardio needs work.”

“What about Owen?” she asked.

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