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“Let’s get clean, little darlin’, so I can mess you all up again.”

Oh, Lord.

He was driving her insane. He’d washed every inch of her and now she felt like her nerve endings were on fire. Her need for him had taken over her.

Hux pushed her legs apart as he kneeled on the shower floor. He stared up at her.

“Sure, little darlin’?” he asked.

She was panting heavily, barely able to stand. “If you stop, I’ll kill you.”

He grinned up at her. “There’s that mean streak.”

Before she could object, his tongue lashed at her pussy, flicking her clit.

Holy. Heck.

She moaned as she could feel her orgasm rush through her. She was so close.

“Hux. Hux!” she cried out as she shuddered her way through her release. He kept lapping at her as though he wanted to send her flying again. But she was on the edge. She couldn’t take anymore. “Please. No more.”

He stood and licked his lips, staring down at her with a charming grin. “Fuck, you taste good. Going to need a fix of that every morning.”

She could feel herself blushing. He was insane.

“I don’t taste that good,” she muttered.

He placed his hands on the shower wall, caging her in. “Careful, I might be the easygoing one, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you get away with breaking the rules. And saying that you don’t taste that good . . . well, that sounds very close to putting yourself down to me.”

She eyed him, wondering how serious he really was. “Sorry.”

“Make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

“Yes, Sir.”

His eyes lit up. “Good girl. Because you are beautiful and delicious and everything I could ever want.”

Turning her so she faced the shower wall, he kissed along the back of her shoulders. “I’m going to fuck you now.”

“God, yes.” She wanted him inside her so badly.

He bent down slightly and entered her from behind. She gasped at the feel of him fucking her. He didn’t build up to it. He just took her hard and fast.

“Fuck yes, my darlin’. You are amazing. Sexy. Courageous. Sweet. Delicious. Fuck. I cannot last!” He thrusted inside her several more times before he found his own release, his breathing coming heavily.

Boneless, she turned after he slid from her and wrapped her arms around him.

After a few moments, he started washing her again. “Let’s get a move on, little darlin’. Lots to do. Not much time to do it.”

“What are we doing today?”

“Why today, little darlin’, we’re going to take over the world!”

“What?” She gaped at him.

“Joking. But we’re going to have a lot of fun.”

“Right, you are all ready. Let’s go!”

“Go where?” She glanced down at herself. Hux had dressed her in a light jumpsuit with a T-shirt underneath and sneakers that he’d tied up for her in double knots.

It still blew her mind that they’d bought her all this stuff. That they’d rented this gorgeous house and filled a playroom full of things just for her.

Still . . . he couldn’t mean that they were going out, right?

Except he now held a sippy cup with a protein drink in his other hand and over his arm was a large blue bag with yellow ducks on it that he was calling his baby bag. In it, he’d packed a second outfit.

He’d also packed a fluffy blanket, Amy Alpaca, Tickles the bear, a pacifier and a bottle and bib. Oh, and snacks.

Like she was a real baby.

The only thing missing was actual diapers. He had taken a second look at the training pants in the playroom, though.

Good Lord.

“We’re going to have fun. Let’s go.” He held out his free hand to her.

“But I can’t go out like this.” She was trying hard not to obsess about looking perfect. And it was pretty easy when they were home. But not out there . . . where people might judge her.

“Hey, look at me. Shoot, you’re panicking. Little darlin’, look at me.” He put down the protein drink and cupped her face between his hands. “Breathe nice and slow. Follow my breathing. That’s it.”

Her breathing started to calm.

“Now, do you really think I would do anything to embarrass you? To hurt you?”

“No, of course not. It’s just, I . . .”

“I know that His Lordass used to put you down, the way you dressed and acted, but I’m not him. And I would never do that. I wouldn’t let anyone else do that, either.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I don’t think you’re him. I just . . . it’s hard to break a habit, you know? It’s like a nervous tic or something. Like the way some people have to check the oven is turned off three times before they leave the house.”

“I know. As long as you know that we think you’re amazing and beautiful no matter how you look. But do you trust me not to let anyone hurt you?”

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