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She rolled her eyes at his cockiness.

But less than five minutes later, she was holding the biggest soft toy she’d ever seen. She staggered back under its weight. Beck came up to steady her and lifted the toy away.

“Really? How is she even going to carry this? Couldn’t you have gotten a smaller one?” Judd asked, coming up to them. He was holding a bottle of water.

“It was the biggest. And the best,” Owen said. “That is what my queen deserves.”

She flushed with pleasure. Then Judd opened the bottle of water and handed it to her. She stared at him in surprise.

“Drink,” he commanded. “Knowing you, you’ve barely drunk all day.”

She’d been in meetings most of the day with Jonathan. So yeah, she’d spent all her time taking care of him.

“Chloe. Drink,” Judd demanded.

She huffed out a breath. “And if I don’t want to?”

Something heated entered in his face. “Do you want me to make you?”

“W-what?” That wasn’t what she was expecting him to say. Actually, she didn’t know what she was expecting. “No.”

“Are you sure, Baby Blue?” He drew closer to her, reaching up slowly to run a finger down her cheek. “I think you might. Shit.” He sighed and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he gave her a look filled with regret. “I’ve been meaning to apologize. I’m sorry if sometimes I’m a jerk.”


He sighed. “Fine. Most of the time. It’s who I am. But I shouldn’t be a jerk to you. It’s just . . . shit comes out of my mouth without me thinking about the consequences. My emotions run high and I tend to see the negative in everything. I’m going to try and do better. Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered even as guilt filled her.

Fucked. She was fucked.

“I’ll try and do better for you, Baby Blue. Can I kiss you?”

“Yes, please.”

Leaning in, he kissed her gently. When he drew back, she nearly stumbled.


He grinned. “Wow, is right. Now, how would you like to go on some rides?”

Twenty minutes later, she was clinging to Judd as they walked through the haunted house.

Something brushed her hair and she screamed and climbed him like a tree.

“Whoa, Blue. It’s okay. You’re all right.” He held her tight as she shook against him.

“I want out.”

“I’ll keep you safe. Promise. It’s just pretend. Come on, though. Let’s go.”

She knew she was acting silly, but she couldn’t help it.

“Here we are. You’re okay now. See?” Now they were outside, she could take a few deep breaths.

But all she could smell was him. And she wanted more. She nuzzled into his neck.

“There she is. My pretty blue-eyed baby,” he murmured. “I’m such an idiot. Don’t deserve you.”

“Yes, you do.” She kissed his neck, then drew back, feeling shy. She hadn’t exactly asked permission.

He started walking. She stiffened. “Where are we going?”

“Hush.” Then he pressed her to a building and, wrapping his hand around the back of her head, he kissed her.

And holy heck.

What. A. Kiss.

She forgot everything around her as she fell into the kiss.

He consumed her.

Judd was a force to be reckoned with. A whirlwind. One day you wanted to punch him in the balls and the next you wanted to worship his dick with your mouth.

It was confusing.

A throat clearing made her freeze.

Fuck. She knew that sound. It iced the heat in her veins.

She drew back, turning to look at Jonathan. She struggled to tell what he was thinking. Was he mad?

Did his hand just twitch?

Oh shit.

“Jonathan, I’m sorry. Did you need me?”

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he said.

“Well, you did,” Judd snapped. “So why don’t you leave?”


She couldn’t breathe.

“Excuse me?” Jonathan asked coldly.

That was definitely a twitch.

“Judd,” she whispered desperately.

“Chloe is my assistant.”

“And right now, she’s off the clock. She’s here to have fun. She’s not at your disposal all the time.”

“Judd,” she said more urgently.

This was one of those moments that she wanted to kick him in the balls. The asshole was making things so much worse. She tried to get down, but he held her still.

Jonathan’s eyes narrowed, then he smiled.

However, it didn’t meet his eyes.

“Of course she is allowed to have fun. I came to see how she is.”

“Hey, have you guys been on the Ferris wheel?” Owen popped up out of nowhere.

How the heck did he move so quietly? And where had he put that giant panda? The efficient way he’d shot down the targets . . . even the guy running the game had been in shock.

Had he been a sniper in the Armed Forces? Maybe.

There was a lot about them that she didn’t know.

“Uh, no,” she said. “Sounds fun.” Not that she wanted to go on it, but anything to get away from Jonathan.

“I love the Ferris wheel,” Owen said. “Let’s go.” He held out his hand to her.

Judd glared at him, but Owen just shot him a look.

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