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He considered that, then accelerated to eleven miles above the speed limit. It seemed to make him happy, so I didn’t complain. Instead, I found a classic rock station on the radio, turned my face toward the sun, and let myself relax.

It was loud with the top down, between the roar of the engine and the wind, so we didn’t talk much those first couple of hours. Eventually, we decided to stop for lunch and ended up at a colorful Mexican restaurant just off the highway. It featured a fountain in the entryway, painted tiles on nearly every surface, and orange vinyl booths. Plastic plants and fake stuffed parrots rounded out the décor.

We were the only customers and were given a large booth at the back of the dining room. Once we took a seat, Romy looked around like this was the most fascinating place he’d ever seen. Then he began reading the huge menu as he murmured, “I have no idea what to order. Everything sounds terrific, and it smells so good in here.” After a while, he looked up at me and asked, “Would you maybe want to get the shrimp fajita feast for two?” Then he quickly added, “If not, that’s totally fine.”

When I said, “Great idea, let’s do that,” a gorgeous smile lit up his face. Then his phone buzzed, and when he read the message, the smile faded. He sent a text before returning the phone to his pocket.

Our waiter arrived to take our order, and after he left, I asked Romy, “Is everything alright? That text seemed to upset you.”

“It’s fine. That was my mom, cancelling dinner tonight because her fiancé surprised her with two tickets to a show. With everything that happened in the last twelve hours, I’d actually forgotten about our plans, so it worked out perfectly.”

“Then why do you look sad?”

“I didn’t realize I did. But lately…I guess I feel like I’m not much of a priority for my family. I mean, I get it. Both my mom and my brother got engaged over the past few months, and they’ve been spending most of their time with their new fiancés. I’m happy for them.”

“But you also feel left out,” I guessed.

“Or left behind, maybe. It was always the three of us, and we’re really close.” After a moment, he muttered, “And yes, I know how selfish I sound.”

“Why do you think you sound selfish?”

“Because I’m making it about me, and it’s not. Things change. We weren’t going to be a family of three forever.”

“It’s okay to feel left behind. In fact, that’s a perfectly understandable reaction.”

“I know.” He didn’t look convinced, though.

I asked, “Have you told your family how you feel?”

“No, and I’m not going to. I don’t want to cast a shadow on their happiness.”

“Is that also why you haven’t told them about your dad?”

He considered the question before admitting, “Maybe that’s part of it.”

“Do you do that a lot? Trying to shield your family from the bad things that happen in your life, because you don’t want to upset them?”

“I guess so, especially with stuff I encounter at work. I’ve seen some things that…” Romy’s voice trailed off as he sort of shrank into himself, and a pained look appeared in his eyes. “Let’s just say the job can be pretty horrible and overwhelming at times.”

“If it’s hurting you, and it really seems like it is, why don’t you quit?”

“Because I should be tougher than this. I’m trying to be. If only I could develop a thick skin, or a sense of detachment…”

“How long have you been an EMT?”

“Five years.”

“I know you didn’t ask for my opinion,” I said, “but it really sounds like you need to find a different job, Romy. This one’s pretty obviously hurting you, and that’s not right.”

“Yeah, but Reno would be so disappointed if I quit.”


“That’s what I call my brother Adriano,” he explained. “I couldn’t say his name when I was little, and somehow that nickname stuck. I can’t remember if I told you he’s ten years older than me. In a lot of ways, he’s more of a father figure than a brother, and I’ve always wanted him to be proud of me. He paid my tuition when I was in college, and when I told him I wanted to be an EMT, you should have seen him. He was practically bursting with pride, and that felt so good. How can I go to him after all of that and tell him I couldn’t hack it?”

“You didn’t just turn around and quit the minute things got hard, Romy. You’ve been trying to hang in there for years, but from the sound of it, that isn’t the right job for you. If your brother can’t understand that, then fuck him.”

On that note, three waiters marched into the dining room with a lot of fanfare, carrying a sizzling skillet of fajitas along with tortillas, rice and beans, and a platter heaped with all the fixings. The smile returned to Romy’s beautiful face, and he thanked the waiters and told them, “This looks fantastic.”
