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“Open it,” I encourage Crosby.

“Thank you. I don’t know what’s inside this envelope, and I don’t care. You all have given me so much.” Her voice cracks. “I couldn’t imagine anything that could make this day better than it’s been.”

“Open it.” Mom nods toward the envelope that Crosby now grips in her hands.

Slowly, she slides her finger under the seal and pulls out a stack of papers. Unable to resist, I read over her shoulder, and my eyes snap to my mother’s, as Crosby begins to cry. Her shoulders are shaking, and I can see the way her chest is suddenly rising and falling in rapid succession.

“What is it?” Palmer asks.

Crosby shakes her head, before standing and pulling my mom into a hug. “I don’t know how you did this. I don’t even know what to say. Is it real?”

“Yes, sweetheart, it’s real.”

“The suspense is killing me,” Ramsey calls out, taking away some of the heaviness of the moment.

My mom slides her arm around Crosby’s waist and turns to look at the room. “Crosby was offered an extension to her contract. If she chooses to sign, she’s going to be the kindergarten teacher at Willow River for the next five years. And before you ask, that’s the longest contract they can offer for a teacher. I have no doubt that she’s going to hold that position for years to come.”

The ladies swarm my mom and Crosby, and there is not a dry eye in the house. I stand, needing to go to her, but I feel a hand land on my shoulder. Looking over, I see my dad standing there. “Your mother….” He shakes his head, his lips tilting into a smile. “Just when I think I can’t love that woman any more.” He pulls his attention away from my mom to glance at me. “She knew this was what was holding her back. This gift is for you. It’s for Crosby and it’s for all of us.”

“All of you?”

“We get to see you happy. We get to see you become a husband and a father with the woman you love, so yeah. This isn’t just for her.”

Pulling him into a hug, I quickly release him and head for my girl. I have to shuffle my way through my sisters-in-law, but eventually, I make it to my mom and Crosby. I pull them both into my arms and have to swallow back my own emotions.

“Mom, I love you. Thank you for this. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.” I know that we already established that she was here with me regardless of her contract and that we would work it out, but I know Crosby, and this will give her peace and the security she was looking for outside of my love for her.

“I didn’t do much. I just happened to mention it to one of the school board members. It was their idea to put it to vote. It happened at the meeting on Monday night. They love you, Crosby, just as much as we do.”

Tears coat Crosby’s cheeks, and all she can do is nod as words get lodged in her throat. I pull her into my arms and hug her tightly.

When she finally composes herself, she peers up at me. What I see in her eyes, the love that is reflecting back at me almost brings me to my knees. She places her hand over her belly, where our baby is growing inside her. We can’t see him or her yet, but we know they are there. And the love… so much love for both of them.

“We’re always going to stay together.”

“Always, gorgeous.” I kiss her temple and guide her back to the chair.

Today couldn’t have been any better. It’s one I’ll remember for the rest of my life.



I can’t stop smiling. Today has been the perfect day, and I’m so happy for Sterling and Alyssa. Every moment of their wedding was beautiful. And the love they share, you can see it every single time they look at one another.

“How are my girls?” Rushton sneaks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He rests our joined hands on my belly, and my heart flutters when I see our own wedding rings.

My husband is a very convincing man, and he didn’t want to wait, and to be honest, neither did I. I felt as though I'd been waiting for him, for a family, my entire life, and I was tired of waiting. I was ready to grab life with both hands and hold on for the ride.

With the help of my sisters-in-law, mother-in-law, and Kennedy’s grandmother, we were able to plan a small wedding at the Willow Manor the last weekend in February. It was just our family, and it was over just as fast as it began, but I wouldn’t change a single thing about our day. Afterward, we all enjoyed cake and great food. Palmer took some incredible pictures for us that we have proudly displayed in our home.

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