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She needs this.

She needs me.

Slowly, I pull out and push back in. With each thrust, my hips rock a little faster. Her legs are locked at the ankles behind my back, and her nails dig into my shoulders as I do as she asks and give her all of me.

Everything I am.

It’s her.

I am hers.

Bracing my hands on the mattress on either side of her head, I lift my weight from her body as I continue to rock into her. Her back arches off the bed, and her pussy goes crazy, gripping me tightly.

“Rush!” she cries out her release. Her head tilts back, exposing her neck, and I bend to kiss her there as I continue to pump inside her while she rides out her orgasm. At least that’s the plan, but her orgasm keeps going, and I can’t hold off any longer. I call out her name as I spill inside her.

When we’re both spent, I pull out, lift her off the bed, carry her into the bathroom, and place her on her feet. I start the water, and once the temperature is right, I climb into the tub and hold my hand out for her. She doesn’t hesitate to join me, just as I hoped she wouldn’t.

We’re both quiet until the tub is full, and I reach over and turn off the water with my foot. I wrap my arms around her as my mind races with ways I can prove to her that this is where she belongs.


With me.

We soak in the silence, with her cradled in my arms. When the water grows cold, we climb out and get dried off. I don’t offer her a shirt to sleep in. I don’t want anything between us. Instead, I lead her to my bed and hold up the covers, and she climbs in. This time she snuggles up next to me instantly.

“This is nice,” she finally says. Her voice is soft and relaxed.

“This is everything.”

She nods and rests her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her damp hair. I should have offered to let her dry it, but I’ll keep her warm. When her breathing evens out, I know she’s asleep.

I whisper the words one more time. “I love you.” I kiss the top of her head and let sleep claim me.




School is out until the beginning of the new year for Christmas vacation. Christmas is two days away, and I can’t seem to stop my mind from racing. It’s been four days since Rushton told me he’s in love with me.

Four days since I spent the night in his arms.

Four days of me dissecting every moment between us over the past few months.

Four days of craving the feeling of being in his bed and in his arms again.

I know that I love him too. I also know that I was too afraid to tell him, but I’ve decided he deserves to hear the words. Rushton has been upfront with me from day one. He’s told me over and over again how much he cares and how much he wants us to have a chance.

I want that chance too.

There are still a lot of unknowns, but I’m tired of living with what-ifs. I’m tired of feeling like I don’t belong, and if I’m being honest with myself, since the moment I met Rushton Kincaid, I’ve never felt alone. He made sure of that, and I’ve been hiding behind my fear. I’ve been unfair to him. My own insecurities stopped me from giving in to what we have. The love that we’ve developed for one another.

He’s coming over for dinner tonight, and I’m going to tell him that I love him too. I also need to apologize. I was scared. While I’m still scared, I trust in Rushton. He’s proven to me time and time again I’m who he wants to spend his life with. I can’t worry about what might or might not happen.

All I can do is follow my heart, and it’s leading me to Rushton.

Needless to say, I’m nervous. I’ve never told anyone in my life that I love them. I’ve never felt this level of love or contentment in my entire life.

I can’t sit still, so I’m cleaning my house. Every nook and cranny has been scrubbed and organized, cabinets, refrigerator, closets, you name it. I have one room left, which is the bathroom, and I still have over five hours before he gets off work. Once the bathroom is done, I plan to take a long shower, and maybe I’ll run to the grocery store. Even though I’m not looking forward to the pre-holiday crowds, it will be better than sitting here stewing over what I’m going to be doing in a few hours.

Stepping into the bathroom, I glance in the mirror, and the first thing I notice is my smile. I’m all alone, but I can’t stop smiling. I’m happy and in love, and I can’t wait to tell him. I also see my hair that’s in a messy bun, my old college T-shirt, and my threadbare leggings that I refuse to get rid of because they are so damn comfortable. It’s a good thing he’s not going to be here anytime soon.

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