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“Y’all are a bad influence,” I tell them on our way back into the mall.

“Hey, we didn’t twist your arm,” Jade tells me.

“I know, but all the little baby clothes and toys were just so cute. I’ve never had kids to buy for, and I couldn’t resist.”

“Well, we appreciate you, but you didn’t have to,” Jade tells me.

“What she said,” Palmer and Kennedy add.

“And the gifts you showed us that you ordered for your students. They’re going to love them,” Piper speaks up.

“I think so too. They’re all so eager to learn. I think giving them all their own book to take home will be a hit. I can’t believe I scored them online for two dollars apiece.”

“That was a steal,” Kennedy agrees.

“I think I’ll make them little treat bags to go with them. I’ll add some candy. Luckily none of my students this year have food allergies or restrictions, so I’m not limited to what I can get.”

“There’s a huge candy store on the upper level. We’ll make sure we hit that before we leave,” Alyssa says.


We take our time going in and out of almost every store in the mall. I splurge and bought myself some new leggings that were half off and a new sweater. Although they tried to talk me out of it, I bought a Visa gift card for Carol and Raymond to use for whatever they’d like on their trip. I’ve never been to the Smoky Mountains, and when I googled places to eat, I got overwhelmed and just decided I’d give them a general gift card to use for gas, food, souvenirs, or whatever else they wanted to do with it while on their trip.

“Food,” Palmer says dramatically as we exit another store. “I need sustenance.”

“Should we make a car drop first?” Piper asks.

“No,” Palmer grumbles at her sister, and we all hide our laughs.

“Let’s feed the bear, give our feet a rest, and we can drop and start again after,” Ramsey suggests.

We make our way to the food court, and we all scatter, going in separate directions for the food we’re craving. We meet up at a long table, and to my surprise, we spend the next hour eating, talking, and laughing. I think I’ve smiled more today than I have in well… ever. I’ve had the best time with these ladies.

“All right, before we start back, should we figure out what each of us still needs to get?” Kennedy asks.

“Definitely,” Jade agrees. “I’d like to be done with my shopping today.”

We all go down the line saying who we have left to buy for and what we’re thinking as gifts. When they get to me, I shrug. “I’d like to find something for Rush, but I don’t really know what I want to get him.”

“Is there anything he’s mentioned?” Kennedy asks.

“Not that I can think of.”

“There’s only one thing I can think of that he’d want,” Palmer tells me.

“What’s that?”



She nods. “How do I give him me?”

“You take a risk. You don’t worry about the what-ifs and just be with him. That’s the best gift you could give him,” Palmer explains.

“That”—Alyssa points at Palmer—“is genius.”

“That’s not really a gift,” I counter.

“Isn’t it?” Jade asks.

“Whose side are you on?” I ask them.

“Both,” they all answer.

“Look, it’s just an idea. We can all see the sparks between the two of you, and denying yourselves is hurting you both. You’re passing up time and precious moments.”

“But if I lose him—”

“We all have that fear, Crosby. Just because we’re married or engaged and living our lives doesn’t mean life can’t be cruel and take our loved ones away from us. It could happen at any time, but you can’t let that stop you from living and loving,” Ramsey says softly. “Just think about it.”

“In the meantime, we’ll help you find the perfect gift,” Alyssa assures me.

“And if you decide to give him you, we’ll help with that too.” Palmer flashes me a grin.

“I can’t believe I’m even going to ask this, but how do you see that going down?”

“Well, you could get naked, tie a red bow around your neck, and invite him over.”

“Oh, and you can sing ‘Santa Baby’ when he walks in the door.” Piper cracks up, laughing.

“You could get him something that represents you. Maybe a card with a note or picture frame with a picture of the two of you. You don’t have to do anything but tell him I’m yours, and it will be his best gift,” Kennedy says.

“I was thinking cologne or a new wallet,” I admit, and they all burst into laughter.

“Come on. Let’s do a car drop and finish our lists,” Ramsey says. We all stand, toss our trash, and head to the cars to drop off our purchases and start again.

Three hours later, we’re all exhausted, but we’re also completely finished with our shopping. We all met at Palmer and Brooks’s house, and when we pull into the driveway, the ladies all smile when they see their husbands’ trucks.

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