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I have to win Bella back, not that I ever really had her.

My mind flashes back to that night in the hotel, with her sitting across from me in the hotel bar when I’d told her about the will and my situation. I’m right back there, with her, this beautiful woman I’m crazy about, watching her face as she digests my arranged marriage.

The blood runs from Bella’s face, and she cuts her gaze, her fingers twisting together in front of her. I can feel the pulse of her emotions and I’m both wildly, ridiculously happy she cares but brutally tormented by the fact I cannot change what has been written.

“This is crazy,” she murmurs, and her voice trembles, a hint of betrayal in her voice that I actually understand when I should not.

We are not a couple. We are not even an appropriate matchup, but there is something between us that is indescribably right when everything else in my life right now is wrong.

I don’t even know what to say to her. I search for a brilliant word I can somehow place with more words to miraculously heal this problem, but come up empty.

She lifts her glass and downs the contents, choking a bit with the volume of the liquid. “I need to go.” She attempts to stand.

I capture her hand and the heat between us flames. God, I want his woman, not some name on a list. “Bella—”

Her gaze jerks to mine, her tormented eyes meeting mine. “Please, let go of me,” she says softly, her voice raspy now. “I know you don’t understand how I feel right now because I don’t either, but I’m upset. I have no right to be upset, but I can’t change the fact that I am. Upset. Very upset. I just…I need space. I need to go to bed and sleep and I’ll be me again tomorrow.”

“Don’t do this,” I urge softly.

“What is it I’m doing, Tyler, besides what you tried to do when you sent me to my room? I’m sparing us both a complication we don’t need.”

“I didn’t plan on whatever this is between us any more than I want to be in this position. Jobs and lives will be affected if I don’t do this.”

“You owe me no explanation.”

The waitress reappears by our table. “How are we doing over here?” And holy hell, she smiles at me and bats her eyes in the worst timing known to mankind.

Bella reacts, her expression tightening, anger flinting in her gaze. “Maybe she can go on the list,” she suggests and then jerks her hand from mine. The minute she’s free, she slides out of her seat and rushes away.

There’s no hesitation in me. I’m not letting her leave like this. “Bella!” I call out, but she doesn’t look back at me. I stand up and the damn waitress is still standing there. “Do you know the meaning of privacy?” I snap. “Charge my room.” I step around the table and stride toward the bar exit. I manage to reach the elevators right as Bella steps inside.

I scan for a stairwell and once I locate the door in question, it’s not long until I’m taking the stairs two at a time. I shouldn’t have told her, I think. No. That’s wrong. I had to tell her. What kind of asshole would I be if I didn’t? But I don’t want to hurt Bella. I don’t want to end whatever this is with her.

I exit the stairwell and look right to find Bella at her door, struggling with the key. I watch her lower her head in a defeated act I know is more about me than the key.


Her head jerks in my direction, her eyes wide with shock. “What are you doing, Tyler?”

By the time she’s asked the question, I’m in front of her, inhaling her floral scent and dragging her to me. “This,” I declare, my mouth closing over her mouth.

I blink back to the present, remembering that kiss. It had been what sealed my obsession with Bella, though I’m not sure obsession is the right word. But it’s not exactly the wrong word, either.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Thunder rumbles overhead followed by a crash, a flicker in the sky, and a sudden crush of rain. It was raining on the day of my father’s memorial as it was for Allison’s as well. I used to love the rain, but tonight it reminds me of death. It reminds me that my father killed Allison. It reminds me why I shouldn’t be involved with Bella. But it turns out I’m the bastard boss who wants her too much to walk away.

I’m better with her. I think she’s better with me, too.

We are better together.

How insane is it that my father stands between us from his grave?

But then it’s not the first time he’s inserted himself in my love life. That started way back in college. Fuck me, why am I going there?

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