Page 3 of Reckless Beat

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“Wonder how long it’s going to be until we stop to eat?”

Elspeth wriggled her butt off the sink unit. “Dunno, but I’m going to go fuck around some more until we stop.”

Fuck her and her chirpy relish for crap that was bad for her. Damn, now he was pissed in addition to being bored. “I’m going to go shit,” he announced to no one in particular. Maybe he’d think of something to do while he was sitting there. Ash probably had a stash of wank mags stuffed in the bottom of the cabinet that he could creatively enhance, and then afterwards he could maybe redecorate the tour bus shower.

Shower… He sniffed his pits. That’d pass a few minutes.

-chapter two-

Jodi Castle

“Next, please. Welcome to the Cavorting Cuttlefish. What can I get for you?” Jodi rattled off the official welcome phrase to the latest customer while still running up the receipt for the previous order.

“A crate of beer, a packet of ciggies and a taste of your honey sweet lips.”

“I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong…” Jodi’s words trailed off as she looked up at the assembly of bikers that had crowded into the little diner. She swallowed hard and started over. “The nearest off-licence is in town. Sorry, soft drinks and burgers only.”

“Damn.” The guy at the front sighed. “’Cause I could totally use a nicotine hit.” He spied the jar of lollipops on the counter and helped himself to one. Alarmed and entranced, Jodi watched him bite through the wrapper to get to the sugary goodness locked inside. He was pretty, in an edgy sort of way, what with his leather jacket, jet black hair and multiple ear piercings. She tended to like her guys more geek and less dangerous.

The blond guy beside him, wearing the beanie hat, immediately plucked the lollipop from his mouth. He handed him a satsuma instead. “We went through this, Ash. Peel, don’t suck.”

“But he’s good at sucking,” one of the other men croaked.

“Yeah, it’s his only major talent.”

Lollipop guy jerked two fingers up at the assembly of men behind him. “Licking, not sucking, is what I’m good at. Idiots.”

“I can vouch for that,” muttered another, making the first guy scowl.

The blond man plopped the sugary treat into the nearest bin. “Sorry about that… Jodi,” he read off her name badge. “Add it to the bill. They’re all a bit stir-crazy, been cooped up too long.”

“It’s okay,” she replied. They never charged for the treats, so it wasn’t an enormous deal.

“Listen up guys, what do we want? Jodi here is waiting on us.”

Various mutters came from the group, as they relayed orders to the blond guy at the front. They were a pretty lot for bikers. Bit weathered from the road, and kinda fierce looking. Crude too; she tried hard not to eavesdrop on the descriptions of what sounded like an orgy the guys at the back had taken part in.

“Come off it, Cave Troll, you’re not going to eat three quarter pounders.”

“I’m starving.”

“To start with, he said five.”

“I’ll have a bean burger.”

That was from the only woman in the group. She was so diminutive, Jodi hadn’t noticed her at first. She was wearing leather, like her compatriots, and had her arms wrapped around the waists of the two guys at the back, both with straight black hair. One had a cute little beard, the other pierced eyebrows and a ring through his lower lip.


“The double piri piri chicken burger on a sesame bun with three rounds of corn, and a bucket of cola. Oh, and one of those crushed cookie-and-cream whippy things.”

“Did you lot forget to eat today?” the blond man asked. “Sorry about this. Long journey and catering sucked at the last place.” He repeated the order to her, giving her time to type it all into the till. “Ash?” he asked the man who’d first addressed her, who had peeled his orange, and was sucking each piece individually. He wasn’t really supposed to eat his own food on the premises, but she wasn’t about to tell him. He’d obviously recently quit smoking and was looking for things to do with his fingers. Unsurprisingly, after a second or two, he drew his mobile phone from a pocket and started tapping buttons. “Ash?”

“Wha—? Oh, yeah… I’ll take the junior crispy crunch, and can I have that with the strawberry yogurt, an orange, and the DM toy, please?”

“Kids only, sorry,” Jodi nervously apologised. One of the staff had got a bollocking from the line-manager the day before last for handing out toys to teenagers. Giving one to a grown man would probably get her fired.

Ash put his phone down on the counter. “Aw, come on.”

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