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Hunt put his hand on Max’s shoulder. “This is my brother, Max. Kenna’s boyfriend. He stays with her.”

The paramedics both nodded, the dark-haired one jumping out the back, so he could take the driver’s seat.

Max jumped into the ambulance. “Can you get in touch with her parents?”

“Agent Gunn is on it.” Hunt closed the door.

They were off in a flash, the paramedic beside him monitoring Kenna and relaying information to the hospital. They’d be ready when Kenna arrived.

It felt like an interminably long drive, even though they raced down the road with lights and sirens, speeding through every red light once they hit town. By the time they pulled up in front of the emergency room doors, the medical staff was waiting right inside for Kenna.

He barely got out, “I love you,” and a squeeze of her hand before they took her away and he found himself in the waiting room not knowing if he was going home with Kenna, or alone.

Did she hear him?

Did she know how much he loved her?

Would he get a chance to tell her again?

Chapter Twenty-Six

Max paced the waiting room. He sat. He stood. He paced some more. Time didn’t matter, except that it was taking too damn long for the doctor to come and tell him what was happening. He’d tried to call the Bakers, but only got voice mail. He’d had to leave them a message that their daughter was critical and in the hospital. He couldn’t imagine what they were going through, losing a son. Now they had to wait and see if their daughter lived.

“Max.” Shelby ran into the room and threw her arms around him.

He gave her a quick hug, happy to see her and Chase. Surprisingly Cyn walked in looking a little worse for wear, since she’d also had her bachelorette party tonight.

Max couldn’t believe they’d gone from celebrating the upcoming nuptials to this. But he appreciated his family so much for being here.

Cyn came to him on not so steady legs. “Hunt will be here soon. I’m still a little drunk, but I couldn’t not come. Is she okay?”

“I don’t know. The bullet went right through her—apparently that’s better than it still being inside her.”

Chase was the last to hug him. He held his brother a little longer than he had his sisters-in-law. “Tell us what happened.”

He stepped back from Chase and the others and tried to make sense of things. “It happened so fast. Kenna and I had just fallen asleep when one of the guards rushed in and said we had to go. I sent Dad to Hunt’s and stayed with Kenna and the two feds. We were just about at the ranch gate. I noticed it was open, but by the time I realized what that meant, a truck T-boned our car.”

He didn’t have any idea how badly the agent driving had been hurt. He’d gotten a glimpse of Tom talking to Hunt before Max left with Kenna in the ambulance.

“Damn,” Chase said by way of taking all that in.

“The guy driving the truck started shooting. The fed covered Kenna and me so we could run for the trees, but Kenna got hit.”

“I hope they got the bastard,” Cyn said.

“Me and, oddly enough, the guy who came with the killer in the truck shot him. He’s dead.”

“Then he’s no longer a threat.” Chase nodded.

“Well, Kenna is tough. Now that you two can finally be together again, she’ll fight to get back to you.” Shelby’s positivity bolstered him.

“The head wound from the car accident didn’t look that bad, but for all I know she’s got another concussion to go with the gunshot wound. I just wish they’d tell me what’s happening.”

“Max,” Mrs. Baker called out from the waiting room door.

He rushed to her because she didn’t look too steady either, but from grief and fear more than anything. “I’m so sorry to call you down here like this.”

“Is she...” Mrs. Baker’s already bloodshot eyes filled with tears.
