Page 49 of One More Chance

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“Not all of it, but...”

Slowly, Sienna pulled her hand away with a stern look. “This is why we need to talk. The last thing I want is for you to be walking around pretending to be somebody you’re not. We’ve waited far too long to have this time together and now you’re making me wonder if I’ve been getting to know the real you or some timid version!”

He saw the tears in her eyes and it gutted him.

She had a point. He wasn’t showing her the true version of himself.

Well...sometimes he was, but he knew he was holding a large part of himself back.

“I promise you, Sienna, moving forward, I’m going to relax and be open and honest about everything. This is all so damn new to me, and all I can say is that I’m trying.”

At first she didn’t say anything, but then her shoulders sagged. “For what it’s worth, I get it. I think I’m kind of doing the same thing. But in my defense, it’s because I’m boring. I look at your life and I feel like there isn’t anything I can possibly talk to you about that would be even remotely interesting.”

“That’s not true,” he told her. “I think you’re the most fascinating woman I’ve ever met. I love talking with you.”

She laughed softly. “How do you know? We’ve both been guarding ourselves a little.”

As much as he didn’t want to, he laughed because it really was kind of funny. “We’ve always been in sync with one another, Sienna. Always. And I think this just proves it even more.”

“Mmm...I have to agree.” She moved closer until she was practically in his lap. “So...I’m not sure if this is really a thing because I never experienced it firsthand, but...this was kind of like our first fight, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t know if I’d call it a fight, but...”

She moved until she was straddling his lap. “Okay, but if it was a fight, that would mean we could maybe engage in...oh, what’s it called...make up sex?”

Gripping her ass, Mick stood and almost groaned when she locked her legs around him. “It was definitely a fight and we owe it to ourselves to explore the whole make up sex thing.” He nearly tripped over his own two feet in his haste to get them back to his bedroom. The sound of Sienna’s laughter was music to his ears and he laughed with her.

“You know I’m all about the research,” she said as he lay her down on the bed.

“I love the way your brain works,” he said with a wink as he quickly undressed. On the bed, Sienna was disrobing just as fast. And when she was naked and stretched out waiting for him, he gave her a sexy grin. “I’ve heard that make up sex tends to be hard and fast. I hope that’s okay.”

Her smile was equally disarming. “Bring it.”

And he did.


The crowd was infinitely younger than Sienna was expecting and she felt like she and Mick stuck out like sore thumbs. She had a lemon drop martini in one hand while Mick held her other. They were navigating their way toward the stage, and she had to wonder if they were going to go and talk to Simon before the show started.

Which is what she asked.

“No,” he said loudly, making sure she could hear him. Then he tugged her in close so he wouldn’t have to shout quite so much. “I don’t want to distract him before he goes on. I just wanted to come over here and introduce myself to some of Dex’s people so they know I’m here, and so we’ll be able to go backstage as soon as the set is over.”

“Oh! Okay!” she said, feeling silly about shouting too.

He gave her a quick kiss before walking them over to the side of the stage. He introduced her to someone but she didn’t catch his name and rather than strain to hear what they were talking about, she simply turned and did a little people watching.

The crowd was definitely made up of a younger demographic, but there were also some parents there with their kids. The Filmore was legendary—at least, according to Mick—and she had to admit it was rather charming. It was small compared to most music venues she was aware of and could only hold a little over 1,200 people. She imagined for a musician who was just starting out, it was a large crowd, but if you were a more established band, this would seem rather intimate. Either way, she was still excited to be here. Mick had played some of Simon’s music for her on their ninety-minute flight. She’d never heard of him before, but she recognized a song or two.

Taking a sip of her drink, she hummed with appreciation. It was very good and as she looked around, she realized she and Mick must have been in a VIP section because everyone else was drinking out of paper cups.

Of course it was a VIP section. When haven’t we been in a VIP section since this trip started?

He had booked a suite for them at the St. Regis hotel and it was the most luxurious place she had ever seen. Honestly, if they simply stayed in the room and never went out, she’d still consider it the best trip to San Francisco ever. The bathroom had a massive soaker tub and she already had some serious plans to get Mick to join her in later tonight. He’d been the one surprising her over and over and over, but she had a few tricks up her own sleeve and tonight she was going to pamper him with some champagne and fresh strawberries while taking a bubble bath.

She’d read about things like that in romance novels and hoped it was as romantic as it sounded.

And that Mick wouldn’t think she was ridiculous.
