Page 24 of One More Chance

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All he did was nod and before she knew what was happening, they were parked and she was being ushered through a small terminal while Mick kept his hand on her lower back and directed her on where to go.

Part of Sienna was certain she was dreaming, because this certainly wasn’t her life.

At least... not her real life.

She had promised herself that one night of making love with Mick would be enough. Even if all his talk about traveling together for two weeks was just part of their pillow talk, she would be fine.

But as she buckled her seatbelt on a private jet, she could say with great certainty that the man was true to his word.

And that same man was sweeping her off her feet, even without the promise of travel.

He hadn’t taken his seat yet. He was talking to their flight crew and she was glad to have a few minutes to herself to sort of let this all sink in.

They had gotten very little sleep last night, between making love and talking. She loved how he seemed genuinely interested in her life and she was equally fascinated with his. The more they talked, the more she realized he was feeling a little disenchanted with his life. Like her, he loved what he did, but he felt like it had asked so much of him personally that he’d missed out on things.

Like a wife and kids.

Yeah, he’d said it, and it made her heart ache, because there was a time when she wanted to be that wife and wanted to have those kids.

They had grown quiet after that admission, and he’d made love to her so tenderly afterwards that she felt cherished and loved and... everything.

This is crazy! You’re over-romanticizing everything!

But... was she?

Sienna knew she was a very analytical thinker and tended to take things at face value. But where Mick was concerned, she was having a hard time being logical.

She pulled out her phone and was about to look at the email he sent her when she got a text from Eleanor. Smiling, she swiped her screen to read it.

Eleanor: Good morning and welcome to your first day of vacation ??

Eleanor: I hope you’re going to do something just for you

Sienna: Good morning! And you’re not going to believe this, but I’m on a private plane right now heading to Memphis!

Eleanor: Oh, Sienna! How wonderful!

Sienna: I’m checking some bucket list items off with the help of an old friend

Eleanor: Oh?

Sienna: Long story, but I’ll just say that fate lent a hand last night and we ran into each other over dinner

Eleanor: Sounds like a good thing

Sienna looked up and watched as Mick said something to make the crew laugh and she couldn’t help but smile.

Sienna: It’s a very good thing

Sienna: He’s someone I never thought I’d see again, but I’m so glad I was wrong

Eleanor: Embrace every minute

Sienna: How are you feeling today? How’s the treatment going?

Eleanor: Let’s not ruin your first day of vacation with depressing conversation

Sienna: Eleanor...
