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“What?” She shrugged and picked up her wineglass before taking a sip. “Just surprised you want seconds. Pasta always fills me up.”

A strangled sound came from my father. Carter growled low, and I nearly choked on the scotch I just sipped. Was Amber seriously… food-judging me?

“You have tried my father’s meals, right?” I cocked an eyebrow. “He’s one of the best cooks ever, and not having second helpings is kind of insulting to the chef. Just a little dinner etiquette.” I held in my smirk when Amber’s jaw tightened, her distaste for me clear. Did the bitch not think I’d snap back?

That’s right, Amber. I’m not a fan of you, either.

She leaned back and narrowed her eyes at me. “Some people don’t need second helpings.”

The temperature in the room dropped so substantially I felt goose bumps immediately pop out along my arms.

Oh hell no. Did she just fat-shame me now? My blood pressure rose. I braced my hands on the table and knew I was seconds away from putting her in her place, when my father spoke.

“I know you didn’t just say that shit to my daughter.” The tone of my dad’s voice was low and filled with so much anger. I had never heard it like that before.

Amber glanced at him, and that snotty little expression faded when she saw how upset he was.

“Amber,” Carter snapped. He leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the table, and stared at his daughter. “I regret not being around as much as you needed while growing up. I regret not teaching you manners, ones your mother should have taught from the beginning.” His jaw was clenched tightly. “I’ve never felt shame concerning you before, but right now, I’m utterly humiliated by what you just said. That was disgusting.”

I looked between Carter and Amber and finally at my father. He gritted his teeth, but I knew it wasn’t because of Carter’s stern tone toward Dad’s new wife.

“What won’t be happening is being disrespectful to my daughter.” My father’s nostrils flared, and he slowly leaned back in his chair. “I’ve never been more disappointed in someone in my life.”

Dad stood, casting me a look that conveyed how embarrassed and sorry he was. How disgusted he was, just like Carter said. “I don’t want you to go, but if you would feel more comfortable leaving, I completely understand, sweetheart.”

Before I could respond, Carter inserted, “If anyone should be leaving, it’s Amber.”

My younger-than-me stepmother made a pained noise and looked around the table as if we were the ones who highly offended her.

“You're right, Carter,” my father agreed.

When no one said anything in her defense, she huffed out, grabbed her wineglass, and left the room.

The silence stretched to the point I grabbed my glass, threw back the rest of the fire-breathing scotch, and wheezed at the burn down my throat.

“Talk about one hell of an awkward night,” I whispered. “I need a refill.” I cleared my throat and headed into the kitchen.


“I’m fine, Dad. Just give me a minute.” I wasn’t ashamed or even embarrassed about what Amber said. I loved myself and my body and was comfortable in my skin, no matter what anyone in the world thought about me.

What I didn't love was someone being a bitch to me in front of others and having a total lack of respect. Amber and I had never gotten along, but she’d never had the balls to be so rude to me on this level before.

It pissed me off.




I made a beeline to the kitchen, zeroed in on the scotch, and poured a hefty amount. With my back to the entryway, I set the bottle down and picked up my glass to swallow a big gulp.

I coughed and wheezed again, half from the booze going down the wrong pipe, and the other part because that shit was nasty and felt like gasoline in my throat. My eyes watered, but I took a steadying breath and swallowed more.

“Easy.” The deep rumble came from behind me, and I closed my eyes.

“Perfect. Just what I need right now,” I muttered.

“Your father went to talk to Amber.” Carter’s voice was low and restrained. “I would myself, but I wanted to check on you first.”

I set my glass down and braced my hands on the counter, exhaling roughly and staring at my fingers. “Your daughter can be a real bitch. Just thought I’d let you know.”

He didn’t respond, didn’t laugh nor defend her. No, he reached out and curled his enormous hands around my waist, pulled me so my back was to his chest, and slid his arms fully around to just hold me.

I couldn't help the full-body shiver that wracked me from feeling his touch.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered against my ear, his warm, scotch-laced breath moving along the shell. “She’s always been… difficult. Angry and entitled. I blame that on myself, because I wasn’t there as much as I wanted and should have been.”

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