Page 11 of End of Story (End of Story)
“You needn’t worry that I will stand in your way, Ada,” Lily murmured. “In fact, Lord Claybourne is coming to call at eleven. You are welcome to greet him in my place.”
“Why, thank you, Miss Loring. I believe I know just how to go about it.”
Ada’s plan was relatively simple: Upon the marquess’s arrival, she would descend the front staircase and contrive to fall at his feet, so that he would have no choice but to assist her. Ada was an actress, after all, and she intended to put her thespian skills to good use.
Lily was beginning to have second thoughts, however. Even though she’d voiced no objection to Heath’s possible seduction, she felt strangely anxious for the entire remainder of the morning. And she found herself watching the mantel clock in Fleur’s sitting room as eleven o’clock approached.
When eventually she heard the front door knocker sound, she slipped out into the corridor and edged toward the head of the stairs where Ada was poised to begin her performance.
All went perfectly according to the courtesan’s plan, Lily saw, watching clandestinely from above. Moments after Lord Claybourne turned over his hat to the houseboy, Ada twisted her ankle on the bottom stair and fell gracefully to the parquet floor directly in front of him.
At her small cry of pain, Heath immediately came to Ada’s rescue. And when she professed a need to lie down, he was compelled to carry her into the nearest room with a sofa, which happened to be the first floor parlor.
Unfortunately, Lily soon discovered, from her position on the second floor landing, she couldn’t see or hear what was transpiring between Ada and their noble guest.
Five minutes passed before Lily’s impatience won out over her better judgment. Descending the staircase, she slowly made her way down the corridor toward the parlor door, yet she could hear little there either, save for the murmur of voices.
Fighting the urgent need to rush in after them, Lily instead forced herself to stand in the corridor, although chiding herself all the while. She couldn’t believe she was hovering about in this pathetic manner. She didn’t give a fig if Heath was kissing Ada, or touching her, or stroking her, or bringing her to pleasure the way he’d done her-
Lily stifled a groan at the tormenting image of him making love to the beautiful Cyprian, and after another moment, admitted that it was futile trying to fool herself. She hated to think of Heath with another woman. She didn’t want him kissing anyone but her, pleasuring anyone but her.
When the low rumble of his voice was followed by his amused chuckle, Lily stiffened. She had to stop Ada from seducing him, despite her original assent to the plan!
Bracing herself for what she might find, Lily tried to keep her steps unhurried as she moved to the door, but when she entered the parlor, she came up short.
Ada was indeed lying on the sofa, lounging back against a pillow in a languid, seductive pose, while Heath sat at the lower end with the girl’s bare foot in his lap, her slipper and stocking gracing the carpet. He was massaging her ankle gently, much as he’d done to Lily’s foot in his carriage the afternoon of the garden party.
A pang of dismay shot through Lily, along with a fierce sting of jealousy-both of which she tried to quell as she loudly cleared her throat.
Ada glanced up with a start. “Oh, Miss Loring. I did not expect you.”
Lily forced a smile. “I was supposed to meet his lordship at eleven but was delayed.”
Heath, she noted, seemed not a bit discomfited that she had caught them together. In fact, he didn’t even stand in her presence, as any gentleman normally would.
“Ada, my dear, are you in pain?” Lily asked, pointedly regarding the courtesan’s bare foot.
“Well, I was-I sprained my ankle quite dreadfully-but Lord Claybourne has taken all the pain away.” Ada fluttered her kohl-darkened eyelashes up at him. “I vow, ’tis splendid for a girl to have such a gallant savior.”
“Yes,” Lily responded in a dust-dry tone, “his lordship does enjoy playing the hero.”
He also looked as if he was enjoying the beauty’s attention, Lily thought, feeling piqued. “Ada, I will ring for Ellen to bring you a cold compress if you like.”
When she started to move across to the bellpull, however, Heath’s easy drawl followed her. “Have the compress delivered to Miss Shaw’s bedchamber. I intend to carry her there since she cannot walk.”
“Oh, thank you, my lord,” Ada breathed in a husky murmur. “I don’t know how I would have managed if you had not rescued me.”
“I cannot let you suffer, now can I?” he said with a caressing smile.
Although clenching her jaw, Lily had no choice but to comply with his request. By the time the maid Ellen came scurrying into the room, Heath had scooped Ada up in his arms and was smiling down into her eyes while she clung to his neck and gazed back up at him in adoration.
When he strode from the parlor with his feminine burden, Lily quickly gave instructions to Ellen, then snatched up Ada’s shoe and stocking and followed Heath up the front staircase.
Ada’s bedchamber was on the second floor at the rear of the corridor, and Lily managed to reach it before him, in time to open the door for him. He carried the courtesan inside and gently set her down on the bed. Ada kept her arms twined about his neck, though, while she whispered something in his ear that made him laugh softly.
Lily realized she was grinding her teeth, and she willingly admitted relief when Heath disengaged himself from the beauty’s hold and gallantly took his leave of her.