Page 77 of Playing with Fire

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"Yet the connection is there," he growled.

Yep, he was pissed. I could see it in the set of his jaw as it ticked with his annoyance, and the blazing of his crimson eyes.

"Of course I'm pissed. I don't want to be tied to you or the hunter. It makes me do stupid things like fight my demons and resist feeding on her." He dragged his fingers through his white hair. "Fuck!" he exploded. "I just wanted a simple death."

"I don't think you are going to get what you wanted."

"You don't think I fucking know that? I don't even want to die now. I want to protect her, my very blood thrums with the need to keep her safe. And now you—" he growled, gesturing at me still standing naked in front of him. "I want to consume you. I want to steal your breath as you fuck her. And most of all, I want the story you told me last night. The Hunter Queen and her harem."



The wall heldthe bulk of my weight as I leaned against it, waiting for Samantha to come out of her last class. The texts weren't enough. I had to hold her in my arms to know she was okay. The doors to the building burst open, and I straightened as the flow of college students exited the lecture hall.

Sam was the last one to come out, her eyes found me immediately, her face lighting up with happiness. Those beautiful, innocent eyes on her face had become irresistible to me, and I didn't know what I would do without them. I knew I should tell her the truth, she would be angry if she found out on her own. In each and every instance, when I summoned the courage to tell her I was a dragon, the words got caught in my throat or someone stopped me from telling her what I was. But not this time.

"Sammy," I said. My arms wrapped around her, and I buried my face in her hair. "I have to tell you something."

She pulled back, her hands grasped mine. "Is it too much? Because you said it was okay."

In spite of my best efforts, I could not conceal my smile that tugged at my mouth and pulled her back against me. "Not that.I'm still okay with you gathering up any man or woman you want." I winked.

She smiled before pulling her lips between her teeth. "Then what?"

"Can I take you somewhere more private?" My gaze swung around the open space where anyone could hear this confession. I'd be poked and prodded or locked up in a psych ward.

"I like private." She leaned back from me and stepped away, not letting my hand go. A glimmer of mischief shined in her eyes.

I led her to my car, I was finally going to show her my warehouse. My cave. Nerves bounced around in my stomach like stinging bees. I rubbed at the back of my neck and tried to swallow past my dry mouth.

"You okay? You seem twitchy," she asked. Her hand landed on my thigh, and I cleared my throat. "You aren't going to ask me to marry you, are you? Because that is way too soon. No offense."

My chest swelled with a high-pitched laugh that sounded nothing like mine, the sound of which snatched my breath away. If only it was something that simple.

"None taken."

"Maybe we should go to the hospital. I think you might be having a stroke." She was serious now. Concern colored her face as I glanced over at her.

I placed my hand over hers and squeezed. "I'm fine. Everything is fine."

I wasn't sure if the words were for her or me. But the sigh that came from her told me she didn't believe it. "I'm calling Ty." She pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket and punched in her brother's name. I watched as she put the cell to her ear. "Ty, Raiden is acting strange."

I could hear his response through the line, but it wasn't what I expected. "Sam, you need to get home, it's Mom." Without herneeding to tell me, I flipped the car in the other direction and hit the gas as we sped across town to her house.

Her fingers loosened on the phone, and it dropped to her lap. I snatched it up and barked into it we were on our way, before hitting end on the call. She stared sightlessly ahead as I flew through the streets. She was out of the car before I threw it in park, dashing across the grass and through the front door.

Voices met me from the living room as I entered their home. "What do you mean she was taken?" Samantha exploded.

"We don't know that for sure," her dad's tired voice answered.

"We do, the door was wide open, she isn't here," Ty replied. His jaw was set in a hard line as he tried to contain himself.

"But who took her?" Sam asked. She leaned into me, her arms crossed protectively around her middle. "Do you think it has something to do with the demons?"

"It is a possibility," I said. "After the way they attacked you last night, they could have come after your family."

"This is all my fault," she moaned.
