Page 535 of Tease Me

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“I don’t know, Suz,” I say with an exasperated breath.

“I’ll go with you. We can go this weekend.”

“Really, you will?”

“Yes.” She takes out her phone and calls her hubby at work to tell him she is going away to find Lucas’ dad this weekend. He is so supportive; he doesn’t even question or balk.

* * *

Two days later, I’m parked outside the clubhouse. The gates are open, and I hesitate before I pull in.

“You can do this,” Susie encourages.

I look in the rearview mirror at Lucas. “You doing ok, buddy?” I ask him.

“Yeah, mom, just great. Where are we?”

“We’re in Pennsylvania to see an old friend.”

“What’s Pvania?”

“Pennsylvania, hun, and it’s a state far away from where we live.”

I pull into the parking lot and cut the engine off. Susie and I get out of the car to stretch our legs.

“I’ll stay here,” Susie says. “But you need to take the little man with you.”

Before I can protest, Lucas cheers, “I wanna see your old friend from pvania!”

I walk around to the rear passenger door and get him out of the car. Taking his hand, I inhale a deep breath and head toward the door.

When I get to the door, one brother I don’t know is walking out. He stops me at the door. “Can I help you?”

“Um, yeah, I’m looking for Hawk?”

His face turns an ashen shade, which surprises me, and he says, “You wait here.” He leaves and is gone for about ten minutes.

Lucas and I sit down on the brick wall that encompasses what should be a flower bed, but is an overgrown bunch of weeds. Apparently, these guys aren’t gardeners. I giggle at the thought.

Just then, the door opens, and Ice walks out. I breathe a sigh of relief, as it is good to see a familiar face.

“Sam,” he says sternly, and I realize he is not happy with me and the way I left, understandably so. “What brings you back after all these years?”

“Well, I look down at Lucas. I have someone that Hawk needs to meet. Is he here?”

His expression softens, and he says, “Why don’t you come inside. We can talk in my office.” He walks inside, and I stop at the door.

“Ice, I don’t mean to be rude, but I really need to talk to Hawk.”

He turns back with a glare and says, “My office.”

I figure it is pointless to argue with him. He has filled the boss’ boots well, and it is obvious now he is the man in charge.

He opens the door to the office and steps inside, gesturing for me to follow. “Sit.”

I do as he asks, and he sits in the chair behind his desk. The man who greeted me at the door comes in and stands by the door.

“Sam, there is no easy way to say this, but Hawk passed away about a year ago.”

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