Page 55 of Heartless Souls

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Like the knowledge that the three of them were never truly alone warms my heart, even if I was left in the dark about it. They matter too much to me for me to feel selfish about it right now.

Taking a glimpse over my shoulder, I find my mom busying away over the stove, so I search for Rhea’s number on my new cell. The tone only rings twice before she picks up and her voice is in my ear.


“Hey, Rhea,” I murmur in response, beyond happy to hear her voice, even if she did sound concerned simply saying my name.

“Are you calling for me to come and rescue you from the three grumps of Hollow Pier? Cause I have my shoes on and I can be there in seconds.” I grin at her words even though I can hear the seriousness in her tone.

Shaking my head like she can see me, I chuckle, a grin taking over my face as the stress of the world falls from my shoulders. “Not yet.”

A snort rings down the line from her end at my response, making me giddy. “Fine, I can hold off. But you better catch me up to speed with what’s going on in the world of Harmonia because all we’ve been doing here is discussing potential changes to the Academy and my head is ready to explode.” There’s a playfulness to her words, but I can sense the stress looming over her.

“No it’s not. Stop being so stressy, Baby.” I hear Adonis in the background and it makes me grin. None of them like her worked up over trivial shit and he’s the best one to pull her out of it with his humor and sass. I love it. Even if I did think they were the worst possible choices for her when she arrived. That is the most wrong I have ever been, and I’m so glad for it.

“Whatever, Adonis,” Rhea grumbles, making me grin before she addresses me again. “So, Harmonia, get me up to speed.”

I dread the words leaving my lips, but if anyone can understand it’s her. “I killed someone, Rhea.” The words don’t weigh as heavy on my chest as I expected them to, but as the line goes quiet on the other side, worry starts to burrow its way into my veins.

“Are you okay?” Rhea’s voice is filled with worry too, for me and my mind. Not like my worry, which was second guessing my actions.

Releasing a heavy breath, I brush my fingers through my hair. “Yeah, I was defending myself, but—”

“Why the fuck weren’t they defending you? I’m on my way to—”

“No, it’s okay, Rhea. Honestly,” I interrupt, her anger burning through the phone as I shake my head. Her rant quiets as I try to find the right words to explain.

“They were defending me, we were defending each other, but it was a sudden attack no one expected,” I try to explain. “Besides, I’m back at the house now with my mom and there are guards patrolling outside while Alexi, Malik, and Talon do some investigating.”

“Investigating for what?” I roll my eyes at my best friend, not surprised that she took that piece of information out of all of it. I clearly don’t answer her fast enough because she repeats herself, slower this time. “Investigating. What. Harmonia?”

I know I may as well get straight to the point with her, but I have a feeling she’s only going to get even more angry. Releasing a sigh, I sit taller in my seat. “Furies are tasked with killing those who bear the Mark of Death.”

“Okay.” She drags the word out, no clue where I’m going with this as I try to piece together the facts.

“When I defended myself and killed the Redvellion, a mark appeared on my arm.” I look down at the offending ink as she shouts down the line.

“No it fucking didn’t!” I can tell her head has gone exactly where mine did to begin with, so I quickly skip to the important factor.

“It did, but it’s a fake, Rhea.”

“A what now?” Despite the situation and the seriousness around us, I almost giggle at her outbursts.

“I don’t fully understand everything yet, and honestly, neither do the guys, which is why they’ve left. But I do know Alexi is adamant it’s not the official Mark of Death, so they’re determined to find out who put it there.”

A pause greets me and I can practically hear her brain ticking through everything from here, but I give her a second to process.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come and get you?” I smile at her offer once more, her care and love for me just as fierce as mine is for her.

“I’m sure, but there is something you could do for me.” I don’t want to ask for things unnecessarily, but since I was attacked I know I need it with me now more than ever.

“Anything.” That single word passes her lips without missing a beat, settling my soul and heart at once.

“My gift from Pandora’s Box, I left it in Hell at your… at Nyx’s.” My eyes close slightly as I cringe at myself for that close slip.

A sigh rings down the phone, making me worry even more until she speaks. “You can say she’s my mom, Harmonia. The crazy woman hasn’t left me alone.”

My chest warms as a smile spreads across my face. “Good. I’m still mad at her on your behalf though,” I reply, and a chuckle slips past her lips.
