Page 134 of Darkest Desires

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“Good. I hope.”

I hope so too.

Elias slowly draws away, his kisses and his shadows as well, they fade back into nothingness. He steps back and runs his eyes over me, the corners of his lips curling up in appreciation. “You look lovely.”

I grin in return. “You too. I like the suspenders.”

Elias raises an eyebrow. “You and Caelan both. It has been rather a task to keep him from tugging on them incessantly.”

That I can certainly imagine.“Is that what the no-touching rule is for?”

“Not so specifically.” Elias chuckles. “I simply know how lacking in decorum Caelan can be when we go to places such as these, and he’s been a bad influence on you in the past. At least I can trust you to obey my wishes.”

“Who’s a fuckin’ bad influence?” A faint crackle of electricity sparks through the air, then Caelan is suddenly beside us. Apparently, he thought teleporting down was a better way to get the living room than using the stairs. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you talking shit about me.”

I laugh. “Hi, Caelan.”

He’s dressed nicely as well. Jeans, black and tight but not ripped for once, and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone. With a wicked grin, Caelan grabs hold of Elias’ suspenders and yanks on them, dragging Elias forward to kiss him firmly. And rather violently.

It’s short-lived, but tongue is definitely involved.

“Gotcha.” Caelan cackles, then turns that grin to me. “God, I’ve been wanting to do that since Elias got into those dumb things, but he wouldn’t let me. Thanks for helping me catch him off guard.”

“I didn’t do anything!” I splutter. “Don’t pin it on me.”

“Caelan,” Elias chides, a low growl in his voice. That’s as much warning as Elias gives before slamming Caelan up against the wall.

Caelan groans, partially pained because Elias was not gentle at all, and Iheardthe crack of the impact, but mostly pleasure. He enjoys pissing Elias off just to get a reaction out of him. Sometimes, he likes the rough handling as much as I do, and the way Elias is pinning him with their bodies pressed together is most definitely rough.

“Don’t. Start,” Elias warns.

“Who’s starting?” Caelan asks, laughing breathlessly. He rolls his hips against Elias, forcing him to hiss. “I ain’t the one getting turned on. Is it because you were playing with our doll without me?”

“He didn’t do anything apart from give me a few kisses,” I defend. “And, um… feel me up with his shadows a little.”

My confession makes Caelan laugh harder. “Decorum, myass.”

“We’re not in public yet, so there’s no problem showing affection here,” Elias says, releasing Caelan.

“Hypocrite. You had a problem withmesmooching you.”

I understand his objectives. Elias was in control when he was toying with me. With Caelan, not so much. That makes things different.

Elias readjusts his suspenders to make sure they’re neat again after being unceremoniously yanked on while saying, “Is it too much to ask for you to wait until we’re finished with dinner?”

Caelan raises an eyebrow, smirking. “And then after dinner is fair game?”

“We’ll see,” is all Elias says in response.

He picks up his jacket and shrugs into it, then offers me his hand. When I place my fingers in his palm, he draws me in against his chest. “Shall we go, then?”

“Where exactly are we going?”

“A restaurant in LA. They’re rather renowned for their sushi. We’ll go through the abyss this time. It’s further to travel, and LA traffic isn’t worth the hassle.”

“Plus, I don’t think either of us will have the patience to drive back after we’re done with dinner and can finally get our hands on you,” Caelan adds. He steps in close and takes hold of my shoulder on my other side. Then reality slips away.

My fingers tighten around Elias’ hand. It’s still unsettling—my stomach twists, and the hairs on the back of my neck rise as every instinct screams that I don’t belong. The darkness of this place, the space between dimensions, is infinite, all-consuming, and beyond human comprehension.
