Page 1 of Chauffeur

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I drummy fingers on the steering wheel in impatience as I wait for my last ride of the night to come out of the theater.

Chauffeuring isn't so bad—especially since I'm my own boss. But there are always a few who keep you waiting. It shouldn't matter to me because I charge them while I wait, but I'm not the type who likes waiting around for anything.

Maybe I'm in the wrong profession, but it's all I know. Ever since I was old enough to drive, I've always been behind the wheel of a car. I grew up on the streets, but I quickly saw that getting a license and working my way up in the business was my ticket to freedom.

Old Ralph gave me the break I needed by taking a chance on a sixteen-year-old boy and hiring him. I've been driving ever since, and now I own my own fleet of vehicles and can work on my terms.

I like to think that I'm pretty good at what I do. Contrary to what many people think, not everyone can drive. Some people are shit drivers. I would know. I come in contact with them every day.

And I'm not one of those chauffeurs who's going to force myself on someone. I can sense when people just want you to shut up and drive, but I can also sense when people want a bit of polite conversation.

I'm adaptable. Personally, I like it best when they just want me to shut up and drive. It's not that I'm anti-social. I can be sociable enough when I want to be, but my existence is a lonely one, and I like it that way. Nobody in my business. I do my job, make the money to pay my bills, and put everything else aside because one day, I want to have a little place of my own out in the woods somewhere out of this godforsaken city. I'm sure that'll be years from now if I actually retire from driving, but a man can dream, can’t he? Everyone has to have something to work toward.

That's what I've always heard anyway.

At twenty-five, I'm not exactly old, but I feel older than my years. Maybe it's all the shit I saw growing up on the streets and how busy I stay. I don't know, but I'm thankful for every day that I have. There are so many kids I knew growing up who never made it off the streets.

I'm thankful for the roof over my head and the ability to pay my own bills. My job might not be the most exciting one in the world, but it's also not the most boring one either. You'd be surprised at the shit I see on a daily basis.

Like right now I'm sitting in front of one of the city's most prestigious theaters waiting for one of my clients to come out. It seems like a really nice part of town, yet if I turn my head and look to the other side of the street, it's like a different world. There's a hooker standing on the corner advertising more than the tickets she’s pretending to sell. I shake my head when I see a car slow down beside her and watch her get in.

It's like night and day, two different worlds intersecting. But that's the way of life here in the city.

I sigh and run a hand over my eyes. I really fucking hate waiting for people, though. That's definitely the worst part about my job.

I blow out a breath and lower my hand from my eyes, stilling when I catch sight of the most beautiful little angel I've ever seen.

Her hair is long and blonde. It shimmers in the streetlight as it flows down to her tiny waist. I watch it bounce with her movements as she walks gracefully by. Holy shit, I can't tear my eyes away from her.

My eyes greedily devour her from head to toe. She's wearing a baby blue leotard with white tights.

My chest tightens painfully. She must be one of the dancers from the performance. I don't know fuck all about ballet, but I suddenly want to find out everything I can about it now. Most importantly, who this girl is.

She looks in my direction, and I know she isn't looking at me, but it looks like her eyes are looking directly into mine.

They’re a beautiful light blue that rival that of the baby blue leotard she's wearing. Framed by thick, dark lashes, they stand out in stark contrast against her pale complexion and blonde coloring.

A smile breaks out on her face, and my heart hammers against my ribcage. My god, she's even more beautiful when she smiles.

Jealousy surges through me hot and swift, shocking me. Who the fuck is she smiling at like that?

My eyes cut through the crowd, following the path of her gaze, and then I see a girl rush over to her and fling her arms around her. I relax when I realize it's not a man she's smiling at.

Good. I think it would kill me to see her smile at another man like that.

I blink when I realize I only want her smiling like that atme.Mine. I grip the steering wheel tightly as a wave of possession unlike anything I’ve ever known settles over me. She’smine.Onlymine.

A tap on my glass diverts my attention away from my tiny angel. I grind my molars together in irritation. I hate it when people tap on the fucking glass.

I wordlessly press the button to unlock the doors, and then the couple I've been waiting on all night slips in the backseat.

I flex my hands on the steering wheel I’m still gripping tightly. Panic flares in my chest when I look up and can’t spot my girl. My eyes scan the vicinity madly, my throat tightening painfully.

No! I've lost her!My hand is already on the door handle. I'm ready to jump out of the car and start hunting her down like a psychopath when she lands back in my gaze.
