Page 25 of Absolute Harmony

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She twitched in surprise, the last of her climax still making her shake with pleasure when he pulled out of her and rubbed his dick roughly. A final few ropes of white cum splattered against her lower belly, and she stared into Hal’s hot gaze as he smeared his seed into her skin.

Hal collapsed on his side beside her, breathing hard. She touched her sticky skin, but when she reached for the sheet to wipe her stomach, he pushed her hand away and pulled the sheet and quilt up over their bodies. “Leave it.”

“You came on me,” she said.

He nodded. “I did.”

“Is that, like, a kink for you?”

He just shrugged, and she turned to face him, tucking one hand under the pillow. “Are you that guy?”

“That guy?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

“You know, a guy who wants to come all over my face as some kind of power trip.”

He shook his head. “No, if my dick is that close to your face, I expect you to swallow my cum like a good girl.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Holy fuck, you’re a kinky son of a bitch.”

He laughed so hard that the bed frame rattled against the wall.

She grinned happily at him, and he cupped her hip, sliding closer until their bodies touched. “I’ll only come on your face if you ask me nicely.”

She rolled her eyes, and he reached around to give her ass an affectionate squeeze. “In all seriousness, I would never come on a woman’s face without asking permission first. And if you dislike what I just did, I won’t do it again.”

“I didn’t dislike it,” she said. “It was just… unexpected.”

He rubbed her hip without saying anything. He had an adorably sleepy look on his face, and when he yawned, she couldn’t help but yawn too. She hadn’t slept well the last few nights, and the temptation to snuggle up against Hal and spend the night was hard to resist.

She made a motion to sit up, and Hal’s arm tightened around her waist. “Where are you going?”

“I wasn’t sure if I should leave or -”

“Stay the night,” he said. “It’s cold and too late for you to drive home.”

She checked the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was only a little after ten, but she didn’t argue. Instead, she gave in to what she wanted and snuggled in close. Hal reached over her to shut off the light, and then they moved and shifted, situating legs and arms until they were both comfortable with their legs entwined and their breaths mingling.

It was nice to be in a man’s arms again, under a warm quilt in a comfortable bed, listening to the wind rattling outside.


“Hmm?” He was half asleep.

“Thank you.”

A small smile crossed his face, and he pressed a gentle kiss against her mouth. “Go to sleep, Savina.”


Hal parked his bike next to Harper’s piece of shit car and killed the engine. He got off the bike and set his helmet on the seat before glancing at the sky. It was a beautiful October day, and the decision to take his bike to Warren’s was easy. He wouldn’t have much longer to ride the bike before the snow fell, and he’d take advantage of every opportunity he could.

He studied the extra helmet strapped to the back seat. He hadn’t put the helmet on there this morning for any particular reason. It certainly wasn’t because he wanted to be prepared if Savina wanted to ride. He wasn’t stupid. He’d seen the disappointment on her face when he didn’t take her home on the bike the night of her disastrous date at the Beaver.

About six months after Alan died, she’d been having a terrible day and desperate to help her manage her grief, Hal had suggested a bike ride. Savina had never been on a motorcycle before, but she’d been instantly hooked after just one ride.

He pulled off his gloves and set them next to his helmet. He’d taken her on plenty of rides over the following two years, just as delighted as Savina was at how much she’d loved it. Mary had tolerated the bike riding, but it had never been her thing, and he could count on one hand the number of times he’d gotten her on the back of his bike.

The bike rides with Savina had been just one of many things he’d missed the last year. He rubbed the back of his neck and made his way past the multiple vehicles parked in the driveway of Warren’s house. He didn’t see Savina’s truck and worry rocketed through him. She was supposed to be here. Had something happened to her?

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