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I should probably ask Amanda, Kendall’s mom, to go with us, but I wanted to do this with my mom. Then I’m going to stop by Amanda’s house on my way home tonight and ask her for her daughter’s hand in marriage.

You usually ask the father, but I know for a fact Kendall would never want that. Plus, it’s not like anyone knows where he is anyway.

I’m waiting at my table for my mom to grace me with her presence. She’s always what she likes to say, “fashionably late.”

I call it more like I see it. She got sidetracked doing something else and then waited until the last minute to get ready.

While I’m waiting, Jake calls. He gave up on finding Larissa a month ago. He couldn’t find her, and apparently, she didn’t want to be found. It was hard to watch him go through that. Instead, he sunk himself into work and barely comes up for air.

“Hey, Buddy,” I say into the phone.

“Hey, Declan. I hate to bother you, but we may have a problem,” I’m thinking to myself what could we possibly have a problem with when he responds, “The manufacturer we use here in Michigan wants to start farming out their work overseas to cut down on production costs.”

“That’s not going to happen. Do you need me to call or do you want to set up a meeting with them to discuss terminating their contract?” I ask.

“I’ll set up a meeting, but I think it would be better if both of us were present,” he grouses.

“That’s fine. Set up the meeting and I’ll be there. I gotta go. Mom just showed up,”

“Give her my love,” he says.

“Sure will,” I click off the phone and get up to hug and kiss my mom.

“Declan, I’m so proud of you.” She says with tears in her eyes. Her and Dad have met Kendall numerous times and they get along great. In fact, when Mom calls the house, she usually talks to Kendall more than she talks to me.

“Thank you, Mom. I already ordered for us.”

“Someone’s excited,” she says as we sit down in our seats.

“I can’t wait to make her mine. She’s been mine since the very beginning, but this solidifies it to the outside world,” I grumble.

“You are so much like your father. It’s uncanny. Where Brian is more like me,” she laughs. It’s the truth.

The waitress comes and brings us our food and we tuck into our meal.

Chapter Twenty-Two


It’s official. The plague has finally hit me. I’m excused from work and now another flight attendant will be taking my place.

Max was getting off of work, so he offered to drive me home. Declan said he had an important meeting today, so I sent him a quick text letting him know I was going home and piling into bed.

I walk up the steps. They’re grueling to say the least. As soon as I strip out of my clothes, I unmake the bed and dive in. I’m going to sleep as much of this off as I can.

I fall asleep only to wake up shivering. So, I pile on clothes and add an extra blanket on top and then go back to sleep, only to wake up dripping in sweat. I can’t win for nothing.

I absentmindedly look at the time on my phone before my eyes get drowsy again and fall back asleep.

Tossing and turning is not my idea of getting sleep, but it’ll have to do until I get better.

“Leave me alone,” I grumble to the person trying to wake me up from my sleep.

“Kendall, Baby. Wake up. You need to wake up for me.” I hear desperation in Declan’s voice. I roll over and see that it’s already dark outside.

“I’m okay. I promise. I didn’t mean to scare you, but I feel like shit and need sleep,” I grouse and roll into the pillow beside me.

“Fuck, Kendall. Why didn’t you call or text me that you were sick? I would have dropped everything to get to you,” he says as he arranges the blankets back around my shoulders.

“I did. My phone is right there,” I point to where it’s sitting next to the extra pillows.

“I never got anything.” He grabs my phone and checks it.

“I’m going back to sleep,” starting to doze off again. I hear him chuckle, “At least your phone is okay. It was never sent. I’m going to go make you some chicken noodle soup and bring you up some medicine with a Gatorade.”

“My hero,” I sigh. I truly mean that. I should have done that on my way up here, but sleep was calling my name.

“Be right back.” He kisses my forehead as I settle back in. I decide to try and stay up, so I turn on the television, getting lost in some reality show when Declan comes back.

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