Page 20 of Dating the Boss

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We sat down at the bar, and he ordered two scotches. At least he remembered what I liked to drink. The bartender set them down, and I looked around the room. There weren’t many women in here. A lot of men, though.

“I’m not sure this is the right place for you. Do you see very many women around? ’Cause I sure don’t.” I laughed.

Shawn laughed. “I don’t mind competition. In fact, I revel in it.”

He was such an overachiever at everything and very competitive. He always wanted to be the best.

“So, tell me about Ella. She seems sweet, and your type. How’s it going?”

“It’s going well. There are lots of things I need to tell her, but I can’t yet. You know. Hopefully, she doesn’t freak out. We will see.”

“Yeah, well, you can’t tell her. It could ruin everything. Ella will understand. I’m sure.”

I wasn’t so sure. The secret I was keeping was a big one. I didn’t want her to feel like she was being used. When I ran into her, I had no idea she worked at the hotel.

“We will see. It’s coming up. I think we are going to go to Paris before that. I feel like I really need to show her how I feel and make her see that beforehand. It will make all the difference.”

Paris was somewhere I’d always wanted to go but not by myself. I loved that Ella had mentioned wanting to go there. It was perfect. A first for both of us to share together. With me, she could travel anywhere she wanted.

We sat around the bar for about an hour, and nothing happened. The women were already with other men in the bar, so it was time to call it a night.

“I’m ready to go home. Can you drop me off at Ella’s place?”

Me: I know it’s getting late, but do you mind if I get dropped off there?

Ella: Not at all. I’ll leave the door unlocked.

I didn’t want to sleep in the hotel tonight. I’d much rather be cuddled up next to her. Mornings were better when I woke up next to her.

When we arrived at her house, I waved goodbye to Shawn and headed up onto the porch. The door was unlocked just like she promised, but it was open a little bit. My instinct kicked in, and I shouted, “Ella, are you here?”

I had a feeling that something was wrong. Someone had been here. I rushed inside to Ella’s bedroom where I was expecting her to be. Nothing. I looked around and noticed a vase had been broken. A struggle? I searched every room in the house, and she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she went out for something? Idialed her phone, and it sounded in the back of the house. Right then, my stomach sank knowing she would never go anywhere without her phone.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”

“My girlfriend is missing. There is a broken vase, and her door was open. I need an officer here.”

“What is your name, sir?”

“Alexander Andrews. 1234 Elk Street.”

“Sir, we’ll have an officer out to you shortly. Are you sure she didn’t leave and forgot to close the door all the way?”

“Her phone is still here, and the vase is broken. She wouldn’t leave without her phone. Something is wrong.”

I was talking so fast, stumbling over my words. My Ella could be hurt somewhere, and it was all my fault. She left the door unlocked for me.

I texted Shawn.

Me: Shawn, come back. Something’s wrong. I need you here.

“How much longer until they get here?”

“Should be any minute.”

Shawn: On my way

I wasn’t sure what Shawn could do, but I needed him here. Someone needed to keep me from freaking out. Hell, I already was. Where was she? Who took her? Did someone take her? Why would they? My mind was spinning so many different scenarios. I closed my eyes tight, trying to get my mind to stop spinning, but it didn’t help.

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