Page 15 of Super Secret Baby

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Ever since I found out that was as into me as I’ve always been into her, and we hooked up at our joint party, I can't get her out of my thoughts. She’s ruined me— there’s no other woman for me but her.

I'd spent so many nights thinking about how I could see her again, but I’d always ended up thinking that's not possible. She's probably already started school and I'm busy here.

Plus, Derek would probably stand in the way of that. I don't want to do anything to upset him or get her into trouble with him. He already keeps her on a sort of tight leash anyways.

We’d both said we could only have that one night together, and I’d previously been thinking I had to honor our agreement, which meant not talking to Bella at all, for fear that I’d want to give into my desire for her again.

Now I’m thinking that I have to do something, though. My feelings for her are so intense that I need to be with her again, no matter the risk to her or me. I just hope she feels the same way.

I’ve never been worried about a girl not liking me before. In fact, I’ve always had the opposite problem— they’ve liked me too much and grew too attached. But here I am feeling like a pathetic puppy dog, hoping that Bella has been thinking about me as much as I’ve been thinking about her.

I finish getting dressed in my practice clothes and grab my gear. Then I walk through the arena and join the other players who are already assembled on the field.

The cheerleaders are out here and one in particular is glancing in my direction. I think her name is Trixie or Trina or something like that. I don’t know her name for sure but I also don't really care what it is.

"Hey, Steve," she calls out, while waving at me.

It's been like that ever since I got here. She's been constantly throwing herself at me whenever she can. It's so fucking irritating.

Luckily I'm saved from interacting with her when the coach shows up. We all stand in line as he barks out orders at us. I'm having trouble focusing right now. I just want to get out of here.

After a while, we break up and start passing and punting. I fumble several times.


I'm standing by the bench when coach approaches me.

"What are you doing out there, Steve? You've messed up so many times I’ve lost count of your mistakes. Why?" he demands to know.

"I'm sorry, Coach. I'm just having an off day. My head's not in the game right now," I explain, feeling stupid.

"Yeah, I noticed. Look, you're the best player on this team. I was so glad when we successfully scouted you. The Leviathans can’t win any games without you. But so far you’re not living up to your potential and I’m not sure what’s going on with you but I want you to do whatever is necessary to fix it, do you hear me? Take some vacation days, go home and clear your head. Maybe you'll come back normal.”

“Yes, Coach,” I say with a nod, feeling grateful that he’s giving me this opportunity I so clearly need, despite wishing that I didn’t.

He blows his whistle and walks away as the other players regroup on the field. I turn and start heading towards the locker room.

"Hey, Steve, wait up!" that same cheerleader from earlier shouts.

Rolling my eyes as I keep heading in the opposite direction, I walk at a brisk pace, but she catches up with me.

"Hey, are you leaving?" she asks.

"Yeah, family stuff" I lie.

I try to keep my tone curt.

"Aww, that’s too bad. I hope you won't be gone too long, because we'll miss you," she says, in a pouty tone of voice. “At least I knowI’lldefinitely miss you for sure.”

Fuck, she's hitting on me again. I want to roll my eyes again so bad, but I don't, because now she would see me.

"Yeah, thanks, " I reply.

Before I enter the locker room, she gives me a hug and then runs off. She has a nice shape and any guy would find her attractive, but I don’t seem to have eyes for anyone but Bella.

I know something big has changed when I’m not interested in chasing tail or even catching any that are so clearly throwing themselves at me.

I can't wait to see Bella again.
