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I almost ask why, but I have the presence of mind to shut my mouth. These will be the final moments I can truly spend with her as a woman. The last time I’ll feel her touch on my skin. The last time she’ll be by my side. Even if she just wants to tell me I’ve been an asshole, I’m not passing up this chance.

I rise and extend my hand to her. “I’d love to.”

As we walk onto the dance floor, I hear a Coldplay song that encourages me to look at the stars and how bright they shine for her. I wrap one arm around her waist while holding her hand with the other. Her free arm rests on my shoulder. Our bodies sway close together as we move to the music.

What is she thinking? Is she nervous about what comes next? Is she having second thoughts?

“How are you feeling?” I murmur.

“I’m okay. A little nervous but…okay”

“I get that.”

There’s a long silence between us as we stare into each other’s eyes. She has the most expressive hazel eyes I’ve ever seen. I won’t forget them. Her cheeks glow with that hint of pink that’s echoed by her darker, luscious mouth. The desire to kiss her grows until it’s almost a need.

If this is the last time I can speak openly with her, I need to do it now before it’s too late. And if I make an ass out of myself…at least I tried.

“Kiera, there’s something I haven’t been honest with you about. Not because I didn’t trust you with the truth, but because it’s painful. I didn’t want you to think I was pathetic.”

“You’ve never been pathetic to me. You’re amazing in so many ways,” she assures with a smile.

Just not as a human being. But Kiera would never say that. She’s too kind.

“Remember when I told you about my engagement to Amber?”


“Remember that I told you we mutually agreed to end it on our wedding day, right?”


“That wasn’t the whole truth.” I take a deep breath. This is going to hurt like a bitch, but she deserves to know why I fucked up everything between us. “Before the ceremony, we’d plan to meet each other outside her dressing room. We promised we wouldn’t physically see each other because everyone considered it bad luck, but we planned to hold hands through the crack in the door so we could talk each other through the wedding jitters. But I was so anxious to see her that Jake and I went to the bridal suite early. We were standing just outside her door when we overheard Amber say to her maid of honor that she wasn’t just marrying me because she loved me. I was merely the ticket to securing her future.”

Kiera gasps in shock, her expression filled with empathy. “Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s horrible.”

“Looking back, I can’t blame Amber for everything. She wanted a bright future and thought, as my wife, I could open doors for her. At the time, all I felt was fury and heartbreak. I wanted her to love me for me, and I was crushed that she only wanted me for my wallet and my status. I confronted her about it. We exchanged some not-so-nice words that ended with me insisting that the wedding was off.”

“What happened next?”

“I would have left there and then, but that would have meant letting Amber tell our friends and families her side of the story. I knew she’d spin the truth for her own benefit. So I asked Jake to speak on our behalf and tell everyone we had mutually agreed to end our engagement because we decided we were better friends than spouses. Then I threatened Amber that if she tried to tell anyone otherwise, I would expose her for the snake she really was.”

Shock and sadness fills Kiera’s eyes. “Oh, Jonathan…”

Her pity hurts. “After that, I got in my car and didn’t look back. And I haven’t told anyone else this story…until you.”

“Thank you, but why tell me?”

“Because I trust you.”

She tears up almost instantly, looking on the verge of breaking into sobs.

Shit, I didn’t mean to upset her. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. I’m sorry if I made you sad. I just wanted you to know the truth. I thought you deserved to know why I’m no good for you.”

She hesitates, scanning my face. What is she thinking? What will she say? Is she angry? Did I make a mistake in telling her?

“Thank you so much for your honesty. I know it wasn’t easy for you to open up, and I’m grateful that you trusted me with your truth. It means a lot to me.”

In my peripheral vision, I notice Maya still sitting by herself. Now is my chance to talk to her…but I don’t want to let Kiera go.

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