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And he knows me, too. Does it show? He used to look at me professionally. This stare burns. I feel singed from head to toe, just as alive staring right now as I was writhing under him in ecstasy. My ache is so deep that my knees feel weak. I can hardly breathe.

I need to blink. Look away. Something. I can’t appear enamored. I can’t let my feelings show. I’m terrified someone can see right through my facade.

As I come closer, his stare never wavers. “Good morning, Ms. Young.”

I jolt at the sound of his voice. It’s not as smooth as usual. Is he…nervous?

“Good morning, Mr. Knight.” Stiffly, I smile and wrench my gaze free, then sit quietly behind him, praying I disappear into the background.

Mia and Nathan Knight, along with Mr. Hall, greet everyone as they enter, then take their seats around the table.

Jonathan buries his head in his paper, saying nothing to anyone. Avoiding me?

I only have a few minutes to worry about that before he stands. “Now that everyone is here, we’ll get started.”

Almost immediately, he turns things over to his brother. Though nothing out of the ordinary happens, I have a hard time paying attention to the meeting. I’m so close to Jonathan I can smell his cologne. I try to focus on Nathan speaking. Jake follows. I try not to stare a hole into the back of Jonathan’s head, but I can’t seem to help myself. It’s like I have a terrible eighth-grade crush again, and I’m silently screaming at the boy I like to turn around and look at me.

It’s ridiculous. I need to stop.

After more discussion, Jake turns the proceedings back over to Jonathan, who stands. “T-thanks, team, for your input. I’ll, um…take all this information under advisement for, you know, when I make my final decisions. As usual, you all have been very, um…thorough in your reports. Your questions are well thought-out and… So, um…thanks. For that, obviously.”

“Mr. Knight, can you walk us again through the changes to the reporting structure in Engineering?” asks one of the newer employees.

“Sure.” But he doesn’t. And when he approaches the whiteboard and uncaps the waiting pen, sweat beads at his temples. “The top of the structure hasn’t changed. You still, um…report to Jake and I…um, don’t anticipate the changes affecting everyone, so…yeah.”

“But you said last week they would, that we would all have new bosses and groups. Is that not true?”

Jonathan swallows and turns. Frantically, he scans the room. He looks anxious, and I know he’s not worried about this reshuffling to people. It doesn’t even involve him.

Plucking up the stack of papers on the table, he scans each. Is he looking for his notes? The proposed org chart? I would have had it ready if I’d thought he needed it. He talked about this shuffle last week off the top of his head and nothing has changed. What has him so rattled?

Suddenly, he slams the papers down. And his stare falls on me like a thousand-pound weight. It feels like an accusation.

Since I came to work at KH Industries, Jonathan has always been cool under pressure—until now. What is going on? Did I miss something?

“Are you okay?” I mouth silently.

He doesn’t answer, just jerks his stare to the front of the room, hands fidgeting at his sides.

It’s all I can do not to go to him, help him, when he’s obviously struggling.

“Jonathan?” Mia prompts, her expression concerned.

“Yeah. We should…um, focus on… What were we talking about?” Before anyone can answer, he clears his throat and takes another glance at me. “Never mind. I’m sorry.”

After that growl, Jonathan marches out of the conference room, pushing his way out the door like he can’t escape fast enough.

I stare after him as his siblings and best friend try to hide their confusion and calm the employees. Quickly, they rise and excuse everyone. Jake promises to get back to the new guy who asked the question. Then he, Mia, and Nathan all exit the room before the masses, no doubt to look for Jonathan.

I remain seated, gaping and shocked, trying to sort through my thoughts. But I come back to the same conclusion. Jonathan Knight rushed out of his own staff meeting without an explanation, and I have no idea why.

“What’s with him?” Kami approaches me as the last few people exit.

“I have no idea.”

Kami looks over her shoulder, scanning the room to ensure it’s empty.

“I think it has something to do with you.”

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