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“Tonight, we’re going to apply that.”

I stiffen. “I don’t know if I’m ready to approach a stranger, especially for sex.”

“Oh, you’re not ready for that, not by a long shot. You look the part, but actually being ready for it will take time. And we’ve got a little over five weeks, so relax. Tonight, you’ll just pretend to proposition me.”

Heat flares in my cheeks. “I kind of already did. It was in writing and inadvertent—”

“And not very smooth.” He laughs. “We’ll work on your delivery.”

“So…role-play, right. Okay. Um, I’ve never picked up anyone before.”

“Just say and do what feels right.”

I nod. “Do you come here a lot?”

He rolls his eyes at me. “Really? I help you get all dolled up, and that’s the line you’re going to roll out?”

Laughing, I grimace at myself. What must he be thinking. “No, I wasn’t pretending to strike up a conversation or anything. I just wondered if this was your usual haunt.”

“No. I’ve been a couple of times with friends.” Jonathan smirks. “Thank god you weren’t trying to get laid with that line. If you were, I’d have to teach you the fine art of seduction using alphabet blocks and pictures drawn in crayon.

I tsk at him. “Stop.”

“Fine. Why don’t I go first so you have some reference about how it’s done?”

“An example to follow would be great.”

I expect him to smile, turn on the charm, and start delivering smooth lines. Instead, he stands and leaves our cozy indoor balcony without explanation. What the hell?

Then I remember this is role-play. If I were truly here on my own trolling for company for the night, I wouldn’t be expecting him. I need to play cool and nonchalant.

After letting out a nervous breath, I sip my drink and watch club goers below me. From both the dance floor and the loft, I feel more stares on me. They like what they see. I can feel it. They want me. I’m desirable.

It’s crazy.

Realistically, it’s what I’m wearing, not me. But in the moment, the attention makes me feel good. Almost confident, even.

Suddenly, someone taps on my shoulder. “Is this seat taken?”

I turn to find Jonathan staring down at me. My heart skips a beat. In the past, he’s regarded me with politeness and the utmost professionalism. Now he’s looking at me like I’m a woman. His voice sounds velvety, his stare intense. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he wants me.

“N-no, not at all,” I stammer.

I suck in a breath. This is purely role-play. My head knows that. But why does it feel so real?

If only it was…

Honestly, I don’t think I’d know what to do with myself—let alone know what to do with him—if he was serious. I’ve always felt too awkward to make the first move and hardly confident enough to accept a guy’s come-on…but now? This could be the vodka talking. Or the dress giving me false confidence. But what could it hurt to try flirting back? Isn’t that the point?

He sits beside me. “I saw you and thought, what’s a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?”

I’m not exactly sure how to respond. Do I laugh? Do I tease? Do I play hard to get? The more I think, the more I panic. I try to stop my thoughts from whirling. All I have to do is give him a casual but fun response. Kami always tells me I overthink. If I’m going to learn, I need to stop that and simply enjoy the moment. After all, I’m here for screaming O’s, not ’til-death-do-us-part.

“Who says I’m alone?” I scan him up and down. “You’re here, aren’t you?”

He smirks. “True, but we’re strangers.”

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