Page 86 of Ocean of Stars

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I watched him start walking toward his Blazer, parked behind my car, still running and with the driver’s side door wide open. Before he drove away, I wanted to say one more thing to him.

“Hey, Buchanan?”

He turned around, facing me again. “Yeah?”

“I wanna tell you in person now that I loveyou—and I love everything about you too.”

He smiled and he smiled big, making his eyes squint and crinkled around the corners, and like clockwork, that adorable dimple in his right cheek appeared.




“I CAN’T WAITto see your dress,” I told Stevie.

“I think you’re gonna love it.”

“Give me just one hint about what it looks like.”

“Not doing it. I want it to be a total surprise.”

“Okay, fine!” I chuckled and so did Stevie. “We’ll be at your house around eight-thirty.”

“Bash really goes all-out on occasions like this, doesn’t he?”

“Always, when it comes to birthdays. He’s done this several years in a row for Brooke.”

“She’s not only got a bonus-son in you but also in Bash.”

“Yeah, but she likes me the best.”

“Of course she does. So do I.”

“You better!”

“Do you doubt it?”

“Hell no, I don’t doubt it. You not only like me best but you love me too.”

“With all my heart.”

I smiled. “And you’ve got mine, Sinclair.”

“I know.”

“Hang on for just a sec. My mini-me, as you call him, is walking into my bedroom,” I whispered into my phone.


“Daddy, I’m hungry,” Malcolm said, crawling into my lap.

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