Page 46 of Ocean of Stars

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“Yes. I also tried to get away from her. I’ve left my house with Malcolm so many times and just gone driving around to give Avery time to cool down or pass out.”

“Where was Malcolm when all of this was happening last night?”

“Asleep in his bed—sleeping as peacefully as he is right now, resting there against you,” he said, nodding at him. “The fight with Avery happened in our backyard. After I got Malcolm to sleep, I felt like getting into my pool to relax. I didn’t wanna drink any gin which would’ve helped me relax, but I wasn’t in the mood for it. I just wanted to be in the water.”

“So you were in your pool when Avery came outside?”

“Yes. She stumbled out the back door and when I saw her, I got out of the pool. I didn’t know what she was gonna try to do. Then she came up to me and started telling me how sorry she thought I was while calling me every derogatory name in the book including every four-letter cuss word there is. I didn’t call her any names but I did cuss back, which I normally don’t do.”

“Zac, I understand why you did. You had every right to do that and to also call Avery derogatory names.”

“She and I were in each other’s faces when she started coming at me with her hands. She’s got those fake nails and they’re like weapons. She got me good with them but she also lost a few in the process. I found them later by the pool.”

I blew out a heavy breath. “Wow. Avery’s behavior just boggles my mind. She’s a woman. A mother, for God’s sake.”

“I know.”

“So how did things end up dissolving last night?”

“Losing that last fake nail seemed to really hurt Avery, despite the alcohol in her system. She stopped coming at me but did spit at me before she turned around and stumbled back into our house to go to bed.”

I knew it wasn’t the bed that Zac slept in, but he didn’t know that I knew that, so I asked him.

“She went to bed and you actually got into it with her whenever it was that you finally decided to go to sleep?”

“Hell no, I didn’t. And forgive my language.”

I held up my hand. “I’m not offended in the least.”

“Avery and I have been sleeping in separate bedrooms since before Malcolm was born.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. It’s better that she and I stay apart from each other as much as possible.”

I stared at Zac while thinking about taking this conversation to the next level. Then I decided to.

“Do me a favor?” I asked.

“Name it.”

“Start taking pictures of the marks that Avery leaves on you. Start recording her too. Document the incidents.”

“I already have and will continue to do so.”


“This morning at the running trail, you and I briefly talked about the reason why I stay in my marriage.”

“Yes, we did. It’s because of Malcolm, and I understand.”

“I cannot imagine ever splitting custody of him with Avery. Not only do I not wanna be a part-time father to him but I also don’t trust Avery to take care of him like a mother should. Like I know you would.”

I gave Zac an appreciative smile. “It breaks my heart in two knowing you and Malcolm live in such a toxic environment. You both deserve so much better.”

“My parents tell me that all the time.”

“Where do they live?”

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