Page 192 of Ocean of Stars

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“A Hendricks and tonic with extra lime would be wonderful right about now.” We all laughed and then Stevie’s expressiongrew serious. “I know all of you are worried about me, but I’m okay. Really. I’m just happy that son of a bitch, Mr. Billy Ferguson, was shot by the police.”

“Before we came in here to see you, we found out that he died from his injuries,” I then said.

Stevie stared at me for a long moment. “That makes me even happier. This world is a much better place without a man like that.”

“Yes, it is,” Brooke and I said at the same time. Bash just shook his head again.

“Um, I need to call my dad to let him know about everything that’s happened.”

“I’ve already called him, Stevie, and he’s on his way here,” Brooke said. “Oh, and I put your briefcase and purse over there.” She pointed at them sitting on the table next to the door. “One of the police officers brought them to the E.R. He thinks all the contents are in them. He said they were scattered on the parking lot and he picked up everything he could find.”

“Yeah, my purse is how Mr. Ferguson pulled me backward when I was walking to my car. He came up behind me and grabbed the strap on my shoulder. It happened so fast. I even had my pepper spray in my hand but it was useless. It is a crazy fucking world.”

“And only getting crazier.”

“It really is.” Stevie took a deep breath. Then she told us that her doctor had insisted on keeping her at the hospital tonight despite her objection. “Brooke and Bash—and you, my protector,” she said, looking up at me, “can go home. I’ll have my dad here with me.”

“None of us mind staying here with you, Stevie,” Brooke said.

“I know you don’t, and I appreciate it so much, but really, I’m fine.”

“They can go but I’m staying with you, Sinclair,” I told her.

She looked back up at me and searched my eyes. “Then you’re gonna get to meet the pastor.”




BY THE TIMEmy dad made it to the hospital, two investigators had interviewed me and I told them everything I knew. I told them about my case against Mr. Ferguson and his behavior toward me on that day in court, and then I detailed what happened in the parking lot, beginning at the moment he pulled me backward by my purse strap up until I ran into Zac’s arms and passed out.

My dad and Zac’s introduction went well. I told my dad that Zac was a colleague and friend of mine but nothing more. I didn’t mention our romantic involvement because I felt the hospital wasn’t the place for that to happen. I wanted to wait until I got home to not only tell my dad that I was having an affair with Zac but also that we were in love.

In between my doctor checking on me again and a nurse doing the same several times, my dad asked me questions about what had happened to me. He was careful with his word choices because he didn’t want to upset me, I knew. He wouldn’t have upset me, though, if he hadn’t been careful. I had no problem taking the most direct questions about Mr. Billy Ferguson andwhat he’d done to me, as well as his son and his wife. Regardless, I still appreciated my sweet dad being my sweet dad.

After I answered his questions, he turned his attention to Zac, sitting in the chair next to him. They had already been chit-chatting but had kept their conversation light. I hoped it stayed that way too. At least on Zac’s part. He was going to have to continue being careful with the details he revealed about himself or it was going to give away too much. My dad was sharp-minded and also keen about reading people. It wouldn’t take much for him to clue in on the fact that Zac was not only married but was also my lover.

At some point, while my dad and Zac were talking, I fell asleep. I woke around three in the morning and I lay here in my hospital bed wide awake and watching the two men that I loved more than life sleeping in their chairs. I thought about taking a picture of them with my cellphone but decided not to because I didn’t want to risk waking them.

Looking at Zac, I wished the hospital had given him something to change into because his white-collared button-up shirt and tie had Mr. Ferguson’s dried blood on them, transferred to him through me. As soon as I ran into Zac’s arms, the red mess on me went onto him. Seeing it didn’t bother me, but I wondered if it bothered Zac and he just hadn’t said anything.

After I’d regained consciousness, a nurse had helped me change out of my work clothes and into a hospital gown. Then she washed off all the remnants of Mr. Ferguson on my body. Misty was her name and I would never forget her kindness, the crescent moon and star ring on her finger, or all the tattoos on her arms. While she was cleaning me up, she told me the stories behind every one of them and I thought to myself how much my mom would’ve enjoyed meeting her. Misty was a free spirit with a rebel heart just like my mom and me.

I was still awake and had my eyes on Zac when I realized my dad was awake and watching me. I smiled at him, and he quietly got up, took my hand into his, sat down on the edge of the mattress and leaned down to me.

“Having trouble sleeping?” he quietly asked.

“I am. My mind is in overdrive about everything.”

“It’s understandable. You went through so much yesterday. Would you like for me to check with a nurse about getting something for you to take that will help you sleep?”

“No, but thank you. I’d rather be awake and sharp-minded than fuzzy.”


My dad looked over my face and then softly smiled.

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