Page 173 of Ocean of Stars

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“So much! I still cannot believe we got to shake Norah Jones’ hand, plus she sang to us and then talked to you.”

“I know. I was so surprised by all of it. She puts on one hell of a show.”“Yes, she does. I wouldn’t mind seeing her in concert again sometime.”

“And I’ll keep that in mind.”

After Stevie and I changed into t-shirts and shorts, we began making our way down to the water, holding hands. The full moon was high above us, illuminating everything within view, but especially Stevie’s flowing blond hair and still-smiling face.

“Zac, let’s just sit here and relax,” she said, looking down at the white sand and then back up at me. We were still several yards away from where the waves were rolling in.

“Whatever you wanna do, babe.”

She down and I nestled in behind her with my legs stretched out alongside hers. As she leaned back against my chest, Iwrapped my arms around her shoulders and rested my face against hers. We stayed right where we were for over an hour, looking out at the ocean, talking and laughing.

“I know it’s late, but do you mind if we stay out here for a little while longer?” Stevie asked, looking over her shoulder at me.

“We can stay for as long as you want.”

“I enjoy hearing the waves and all, but I really enjoy seeing that.” She pointed up at the sky.

“The moon?”

“Yes—but mainly all the stars. It looks like an ocean of them up there.

“I’ve never heard it put that way, but you’re right.”

“That music playlist of mine is titled ‘Ocean of Stars.’”


“Yes. The first song that I added to it was “Nightingale” by Norah Jones, and I did it sitting on this Destin beach one night. I flew here alone after my Malcolm died and grieved while letting the ocean, moon and stars heal me—and also the music. Not just Norah Jones, though. Several other artists. Over the years, I’ve continued adding to my playlist and whenever I listen to it, I can hear my process of healing. I can also hear when I found true happiness again, and that was when you and I found each other. It is so evident in all the songs that I’ve added to my playlist since you and I met.”

Stevie looked over her shoulder at me again and I kissed her, thinking about how much I loved her and also about all the loss that she had endured. Then I asked her why she’d flown to Destin alone.

“I didn’t want anyone with me. Not even Graham. He got angry about that trip but I didn’t care. I knew what I needed to do for myself, and that was to come to this place alone whereI could think clearly and begin processing everything I was feeling,” Stevie said.

“I’m glad you did that for yourself. I can see this beach always being a place of solace for you.”

“So can I.”




MONDAY, TUESDAY ANDWednesday flew by. Zac and I had spent those three days at the beach, going out to eat, driving around Destin, sightseeing, and we also took a few dips in the swimming pool and hot tub at our beach house. Each evening, Zac talked to Malcolm then checked the tracker app to see what Avery’s status was. It was Thursday evening now and Zac was checking the app again. Then he looked up at me with dread in his eyes.

“Avery is on her way back to Dallas or she’s already there at your house, isn’t she?” I asked.

“She’s at the house. When I checked the app earlier, she was still in Lubbock.”

“And I know you have no idea why she decided to come back now.”

“I don’t. Nothing other than she may be thinking she needs to play nice with me again.”

“So you’ll continue financing her fucked lifestyle. Yes, I know.”

“Stevie, please don’t let this taint things. We have two days left in Destin and I want them to be as wonderful as all the other days.”

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