Page 147 of Ocean of Stars

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“We’re an affectionate family. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Mine is the same way.”

“You two come on in,” Beth said as she and Gregg stepped aside.

“I guess I’m just chopped liver now since you’ve met Stevie. I don’t even get a hug,” Zac teased.

“Oh come here, you spoiled thing!” Beth said.

She and Gregg hugged their only son, and then the four of us walked into the living room of this cozy home. I already loved the vibe inside and I also loved the positive energy of Zac’s parents.

“I can give you a tour of this place now or we can do it later,” Beth said, looking at me. Then she cut her eyes over at Zac. “I have snacks ready and I don’t know about either of you, but I could use an afternoon drink.”

“I think we all could,” Zac chuckled.

“Then let’s go.”

As we were leaving the living room, I glanced around and noticed the big collage of pictures on the wall behind the couch. I saw a whole lot of pictures of Malcolm and a whole lot of Zac at different ages and I could hardly wait to get a closer look at them.

The kitchen reminded me of something from a children’s witch’s tale. It had a cottage-like feeling to it with its earth tones and an archway of bricks stretching across the stovetop area in a beautiful, old-world-looking pattern that pulled at me. There were more pictures of Malcolm and Zac on the walls along with a wrought iron Celtic cross over by the dining room table. Beth had votive candles burning here and there and a little speaker onthe kitchen counter playing some country music. I could tell that her home was her sanctuary.

Gregg looked at me and said, “I know what Zac wants to drink but what would you like, Stevie? We have red, white, and rosé wine, some Bud Lite, gin, tequila… Pretty much anything you want.”

“I’m a gin girl.”

“We have Hendricks.”

“And that one is my favorite. I have a bottle of the original at home and also a tiny bit of Neptunia left. It’s one of Hendricks’ limited-release gins. They make some others too that are really good.”

Gregg grinned at Zac. “She knows her gin.”

“Yes, she does, and she likes her gin and tonic the same way that I do.”

“Then two gin and tonics with extra lime it is.”

After Gregg made Zac’s drink and mine, he poured a large glass of rosé for Beth, then opened a Bud Lite for himself and poured it into a frosty mug. As the four of us stood together in the middle of the kitchen, holding our drinks, Gregg and Beth held up theirs toward Zac and me.

“Here’s to happiness,” Gregg said. He was smiling and so was Beth. “Cheers!”

“Cheers,” Zac and I said together. Then our glasses met his parents’ and we each took a big sip.

Beth then started pulling prepared snack trays out of the refrigerator and set them on the kitchen counter. She also had a basket of tortilla chips with salsa and some delicious looking guacamole.

“Zac and Stevie, you two go ahead and fix your plates, and we’ll join you in the dining room.”

Zac held out his hand for me to go first but before I grabbed a plate, I looked up at him. His eyes were shining so brightly. Ididn’t say anything. I just nodded to let him know this meeting with his parents was good. Really good. It was peaceful and wrapped in his mom and dad’s unconditional love.

While we were all enjoying the food and drinks, our conversation stayed light. We covered subjects ranging from Malcolm to Zac’s job and mine to the new set of golf clubs that Gregg had bought for himself the week before. Nothing too serious. I didn’t know if it was going to stay this way or if Zac’s parents had some serious questions they wanted to ask me—or some serious statements to make. Then Beth made a statement to me.

“Stevie, Zac told Gregg and me about your family, where you grew up and everything, and I just want you to know I am so sorry about your mother’s passing,” she said.

I cleared my throat. “I appreciate it.”

“I’m sorry about it too, Stevie,” Gregg added. “I’m glad you still have your father.”

“Me too. We’re very close.”

“Zac mentioned that he was having some heart issues and you went to Austin to go to the doctor with him.”

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