Page 137 of Ocean of Stars

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“I know it is.”

“When did you become a believer in all of this?”

“After meeting you. I had never put much thought into the validity of soul mates or reincarnation until then. The familiarity of you and the way you make me feel are things I’ve never experienced with anyone before, and it got me wondering what it was about, so I read up on it. What I found in all the articles that I combed through were countless other people who believe in soul mates and reincarnation—and they believe in it without an ounce of scientific proof. One after another said the validity is in what you feel. It’s aknowingthat you feel so strongly in the center of your being. I immediately felt that with you. I didn’t know what to make of it at first but figured it out pretty quickly.”

“What you just said about scientific proof is the same thing my dad said to me in a conversation that he and I had about thesouls of our passed-on loved ones visiting us. He said science can’t prove or disprove it. Once you’ve experienced a loved one visiting you like my mom has done with my dad and me, you know it’s real. The same as my Malcolm visiting me.”

“Why do you believe in that but question the soul mate and reincarnation theory?”

“Because you seem too good to be true, Zac.”

“So do you—but I still know we’re soul mates. I’m not letting a logical world steal that away from me. Ichooseto believe in the magic of us.”

“We are magical, aren’t we?”

“Yes. And we’re really good at making magic.”

I sighed out a smile. “Indeed, we are.”

“Stevie, whenever your belief in soul mates wavers, I want you to do something that has kept me in check.”


“Stop whatever you’re doing, close your eyes, place your hand over your heart and allow yourself to sense the truth about us. Shut out the world and listen to what your soul is telling you.”

“Okay…I’ll do that,” I said, wiping my eyes. Zac’s words were so beautiful and rang of complete truth.

“Tell me something now.”


“Do you believe you and I are soul mates? At this very second?”


“Good. That makes me really happy to hear. If you start questioning it again, then please do what I suggested. I also want you to lean on me and let my belief and faith in us carry you.”

“I will.”

Zac and I both paused. I heard him take a deep breath and I knew he heard me when I took one too. We’d just covered a lot of ground that I’d needed him to lead me through.

“Stevie, I’m amazed by what you told me about your dad and his belief in passed-on loved ones visiting us. He’s not the typical man of the cloth.”

“Because of my mom. My dad told me that she set his soul on fire the moment they met. That was when he became a believer in soul mates.”

“The same as when I met you.”


“I see another cycle here,” Zac chuckled.

“So do I.”

“And speaking of parents… I appreciate your willingness to meet mine.”

“I’m excited about it but I’m also nervous.”

“There’s no reason to be nervous.”

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