Page 13 of Ocean of Stars

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“I hope you don’t mind my asking, but why did you leave it to come to this one? Did something unsavory happen down south?”

Stevie took a sip of her Hendricks and tonic and then set the glass back down on the table. “Something unsavory did happen but not at my job, Bash. My husband had an affair with my best friend, so I divorced him and talked myself out of burying her. An all-around change of scenery was something that I needed to do for myself and that’s why I’m here in Dallas, Texas now.”

“Oh damn… I did not see that one coming. I am so sorry you went through that.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine, and really excited to be here,” Stevie said, glancing at me. I was staring straight at her.

“Well, welcome to Dallas. I’m glad you’re here, Stevie Sinclair. Let our legal dance begin!” Bash said.

We all started laughing, and then the waitress walked up and sat down my drink in front of me. While she was taking Bash’s order, I noticed Brooke watching me again. Then she grinned and picked up her cellphone off the table. Less than twenty seconds later, I felt my cellphone buzz in my pants pocket. When I looked at the screen, I wasn’t surprised to see Brooke’s text notification. I didn’t read her message right away, though. I waited, and when Bash and Stevie became wrapped upin a conversation about the best beach destinations, I took that opportunity to see what Ms. District Attorney had to say to me.

Brooke: Careful, tiger.

Me: Careful about what?

Brooke: Don’t mistake Stevie’s soft appearance, sweet voice, and sad divorce story for weakness. This beauty sitting beside me will happily drink your blood for breakfast.

Me: I don’t think she’s weak. It’s quite the opposite. Clearly, she’s a very strong woman.

Brooke: Yes, she is. But I can already tell by the way that you two keep looking at each other what both your weaknesses could become if you aren’t careful.

I cut my eyes up at Brooke, shook my head in disagreement, and then looked back down at my cellphone.

Me: Not gonna happen. I’m not that kind of man and you know it.

Brooke: After what Stevie has been through, I know she’s not that kind of woman. But there’s always that one person who comes along that you didn’t see coming and they’ll make you wanna break all the rules that you never thought in a million years you’d break.

Me: No woman is worth what it’d cost me if I did.

Brooke: At least admit to what I already know.

Me: And what is that?

Brooke: Chemistry is fucking powerful.

I looked up at Brooke again, then slipped my cellphone back into my pocket. Stevie and Bash were still going back and forth with their beach talk and they kept going until my burger arrived. It was at the same time that the rest of Brooke’s team of assistant district attorneys showed up. Everyone found their seats and placed their drink and meal orders, and then a mix of conversations commenced, going around the table.

While eating my burger and fries, I noticed Stevie kept eyeing my plate. I pointed at it and said, “You’re welcome to have some of this.”

“When I got here, I wasn’t hungry in the least. Not until I saw those fries of yours. They look delicious.”

“Here, grab as many as you want.”

I pushed my plate toward her and watched her pick up one of the curly fries with her slender fingers. Then she took a bite and smiled.

“Yeah, I’m gonna have to order some of those.”

“Seriously, Stevie—help me finish all this. Please. These Mystic burgers are huge and the fries are always piled high like this.”

She side-eyed me. “Are you sure?”

“Hundred percent.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Of course.”

Together, she and I cleaned my plate, and in between the bites that we took, we continued talking to each other. Stevie was a captivating woman. Intelligent. Direct. Funny. She was also feisty, and with the way that she spoke to Bash about her love for the ocean, she had to be part mermaid.

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