Page 122 of Ocean of Stars

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“Thought you would be. Do you wanna ride with me?”

“I’m just gonna take my car this time but I appreciate your offer.”

“No prob.”

“Change of subject. I have an update for you on the Ferguson case.”

“Okay.” Brooke walked into my office and sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

“Mr. Ferguson was arrested for domestic violence two days ago. He beat the hell out of his wife.”

“Do you know what prompted it?”

“The police report that I read stated that the two were strung out on some kind of drug or drugs. They were acting crazy but especially ol’ Billy boy.”

“That doesn’t surprise me at all. How’s his son doing with his foster family?”

“He’s doing great. That family has asked about adopting him and now they can since the Fergusons have no legal rights to their son. It was all finalized.”


“Anyway…I just wanted to let you know about the latest.”

Brooke nodded, then started clicking her tongue. She was looking at me but through me, lost in her own thoughts. Then she said, “I get such a thrill whenever I find out someone like Mr. Ferguson has reaped what they’ve sown, and he has by losing all rights to his little boy. It’s not over yet, though. There’s more karma coming for a violent man like him.”

“I agree. I’m sure we’ll hear more about him in the weeks and months to come. If I get any more news, you’ll be the first to know.”

I heard another knock on my door and Brooke and I looked up to see David looking around it.“Brooke, I need you for a minute if you don’t mind,” he said.

“Okay. I’ll be right there.”


As David walked off, Brooke got up but didn’t move from where she was standing. She just kept her eyes on me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Are you happy, Stevie?”

“With my exception?”


“Very much so.”

“But the circumstances keeping you two apart is tough isn’t it?”


“Hang in there. I feel like your exception does—a door’s gonna open for you and him. I don’t know how or when, but it’s gonna happen. Just don’t give up.”

“I’ll never give up on my exception. Not under any circumstances. I couldn’t let him go if I tried, Brooke.”

“I understand.”

“I know you do. Thank you for being a friend to me in all of this.”

“Thank you for being my friend, as well. Yes, I’m old enough to be your mother, but age doesn’t matter in this. We’re two women and you’re walking down a pathway that I’ve already traveled down. If I can spare you some heartache by sharing some of my life lessons with you then what I’ve been through won’t be for nothing.”

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