Page 112 of Ocean of Stars

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WHEN I CALLEDmy mom to check on Malcolm at lunchtime, she asked me if she and my dad could keep him overnight. He was feeling a lot better and my parents wanted to take him to the zoo tomorrow—Saturday. Of course, I was good with that, and as soon as I got off the phone with my mom, I sent a text to Stevie to let her know we could get together after work. I hadn’t seen her since she’d come over to my house on Wednesday night and I was missing her so much. We’d talked on the phone and texted back and forth several times since Wednesday but it just wasn’t the same as seeing her, touching her, and smelling her hair and skin.

Stevie called me from her office after she received my text and she was so excited. My plan was to stop by my house after work and pack an overnight bag, then I’d go to Stevie’s house. That plan fell apart, though, when I checked my phone right before I left work. Avery was on her way back to Dallas from Lubbock. I knew that because of the tracker that I put on her car months ago. It was linked to an app on my cellphone. Taking that step was something that had to be done. It was all part ofbuilding my case against Avery should she ever decide to file for divorce and also custody of Malcolm.

I called Stevie back to let her know we couldn’t get together because Avery was on her way back. I didn’t tell her how I knew and she didn’t ask. All she did was get quiet. After a long moment, she told me that she loved me and for me to call or text her whenever I could. She also told me that if I found an opportunity to come over to her house then to let her know.

After we hung up, I tossed my phone onto my desk and sat back in my chair. This was our first taste of what it was going to be like whenever Avery was around and it was bitter as hell. I knew Stevie hated it just as much as I did, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Avery was about an hour away from home when I got home from work. I changed into my swimsuit and then jumped into the pool to swim some laps. I knew it’d help get rid of some of the tension that I could feel in my body. I’d thought Avery was going to be gone for a lot longer than this. There was no telling why she decided to come back so soon. Maybe she’d gotten into it with Justin. Maybe he’d kicked her to the curb again.

I was sitting in the living room, watching the news on TV, when I heard the garage door—and I braced myself.

Avery came into the house, walking down the hallway toward me, and as soon as we made eye contact, she smiled. Then she said hello.

“What happened?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You weren’t gone for weeks this time.”

“I was just ready to come home. Where’s Malcolm?”

“He’s with my parents. They’re keeping him tonight and taking him to the zoo tomorrow if he’s still feeling good.”

“So he’s been sick?”

“Yes. He’s had a cold since Wednesday.”

“Okay. So it’s just us this evening then.”

“Yes. Why?”

Avery sat down beside me on the couch.

“I thought it’d be nice to spend some time together. I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened between us,” she said.

I felt nauseous. This wasn’t happening. Not now. Avery could not be serious about wanting to work out things with me. She hadn’t said that, exactly, but what she did say was code for wanting to do exactly that. I knew it because I’d been here with her before and on too many occasions to count.

It was too late for us to work out things, though. I’d given up on our marriage years before. Not only that, I wasn’t in love with Avery anymore. She’d killed it. Even so, I knew I was going to have to play along with what she was doing if I expected any kind of peace around our home while she was here. I’d play along, but for only so long, and I’d allow Avery to go only so far with me. I’d be surprised if the peace between us lasted for a week. By then, her real motive behind acting this way toward me was sure to show itself. She wanted something, and I knew deep down in my heart that it wasn’t me.

“What about everything that’s happened?” I asked.

“I’m just so sorry, Zac. I know I’m the problem.”

“Avery, I really don’t wanna get into talking about all of this with you. We’ve done this so many times.”

“I know we have and I don’t wanna get into it with you either. What I would like to do is cook a meal together then sit down at our dining room table and share that meal. Have some drinks but not too many, and maybe go swimming.”

I stared at Avery for a long moment, then asked, “What kind of meal are you thinking about?”

She smiled. “Homemade tacos with refried beans and rice. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes, but we’re gonna have to go to Whole Foods to get all of that.”

“That’s fine. Let me put my suitcases up and I’ll be ready to go.”

Avery and I took my car to the grocery store. As I pulled out of our driveway, I turned on the radio and then turned my face away from Avery because I was trying not to smile. There was a Norah Jones song playing. Stevie was in my car with me and Avery didn’t have a fucking clue.

At the store, she and I checked off everything on the grocery list except for the produce. We were in that section and I’d just put two tomatoes into a plastic bag when I looked up and did a double take at the same time my breath caught in my throat. Stevie was here at Whole Foods, and she was pushing her buggy in my direction. She kept her eyes on me for only a few seconds. Then they went right to Avery, and if looks could’ve killed…

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