Page 106 of Ocean of Stars

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My mom smiled again “I just got chills. I really do hope you and Stevie compare your records.”

“I’m sure we will. That one marriage that I found may not be anything, though.”

“But it could be. It could be your and Stevie’s ancestors who fell in love all those centuries ago and here’s another Buchanan man sitting in front of me who’s fallen in love with a Sinclair woman.”

“And he’s fallen hard, too.”

“I can see it in your eyes, son.”

“I know you can. It’s so hard to hide it.”

“Well, you don’t have to do that with me anymore.”

My mom patted my cheek and then asked me if I had any more pictures of Stevie and me.

“Swipe to the left,” I said.

I watched her examine the three other pictures of my babe and me. It was the last one, though, that she took the longest on, and I knew why. Stevie and I were kissing. There wasn’t any tongue involved. It was just a sweet kiss with our lips pressedtogether and our eyes closed. I was breathing in Stevie when I captured that moment.

“This picture speaks volumes,” my mom said, holding up my phone. “There’s no mistaking what’s between you and Stevie. Both of you have that gentle, peaceful, grateful, I have found the one whom my soul loves kind of look.”

“Song of Solomon 3:4.”

“The lovers book in the bible.”

“My soul does love Stevie and somehow, it already knew her. Not to sound weird, but she’s familiar to me in every way.”

“You don’t sound weird at all.”

“Mom, I’ve never felt like this about anyone in my life.”

“I know you haven’t.”

I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. Then I met my mom’s caring gaze again. “This feeling is so euphoric…and it’s also scary.”

“Why is it scary to you?”

“I keep thinking I’m gonna wake up and realize I’ve been dreaming this whole time. Stevie isn’t real.”

“True love is always scary, son. I felt just like you when I met your dad. Our circumstances were different from yours though, and I can imagine that yours magnify your fear. And with that said, I have to ask you where you see things going with Stevie, because your life with Avery is set until Malcolm is grown and we all know it.”

“I don’t believe it is set anymore.”

“And why is that?”

“I’ll put it to you this way: Stevie and I have both thrown our wishes to the stars about wanting to be together. We wanna build a life together and we’ve agreed to ride things out until we can, but it’s not gonna take fourteen years for that to happen. I believe a door is gonna open for us in the near future that’s gonna allow me to put a ring on Stevie’s finger and alsocontinue being a full-time father to my son. I don’t know what the circumstances are gonna be that allow it and I’m not gonna worry about it. I feel it coming, though. My second chance at having a happy life is on the horizon.”

My mom took both my hands into hers and stared at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Do you know what my fear is for you?”


“That you’re gonna get badly hurt in all of this and you’ve hurt enough in your lifetime.”

“What makes you think I’m gonna get hurt?”

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