Page 43 of Fall of a King

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“Are you ready to take our cocks whore? Vincent’s away, and he said to keep all your holes filled in his absence.” I watch from my slitted eyes as the second man moves towards June, as she tries to cower further into the wall and away from the two malignant presences in the room.

“Please…” Her plea leaves her lips in a whisper.

“How cute, Sloan; she’s already begging for her holes to be filled.”

I watch as the second guy undoes his pants, letting them drop to his ankles, and pulls June forward by her hair until she’s braced on her hands and knees in front of him. “Francis, do you want her ass or her gaping pussy?”

“Doesn’t matter; both holes are nice and loose now,” Francis smirks and works his way behind June, his cock hard once again and precum glistening on the tip. He grabs her hips roughly and then enters her in one hard thrust forcing her to take all of him as a strangled cry leaves her lips.

“Please no…” June cries, tears cascading down the sides of her face.

“What a dirty little whore you are. Open wide bitch. The faster and harder you take our cocks, the sooner we will leave you alone.” Sloan forces June’s lips wide with his fingers before shoving his shrimp dick in her mouth.

It feels like I’m trapped in fucking hell, watching and hearing them rape June for what feels like hours. They take turns fucking her over and over in all of her holes, holding her painfully between them and abusing her beaten body until they are both spent and can barely stand. They drop her to the ground like garbage, and she stays there; not even a whimper escapes her lips. She stopped crying hours ago with the abusive manhandling they put her through.

I have never felt more powerless and useless than I do right now. I can’t force my weakened body to defend her, to stop what they are doing to her. I’m a party to her pain and rape by just being in the room. The thought makes me want to bury myself back in the darkness, give myself to the oblivion of nothingness.Weak son of a bitch; if she can survive what they are doing to her, so can you. How dare you behave like a weak-minded fuck while she’s the one being subjected to unspeakable horrors.The thoughts echo loudly through my mind, calling me out for cravenness.

Once Francis and Sloan are spent, they give June one final kick while she lies on the dirty floor before they put away their disgusting cocks and leave the room. The minute the door closes and I hear the sound of the lock turning, my eyes are open, and I’m trying once again to sit up.

“June…” I whisper but get no response. I can’t get my body in a sitting position; my limbs are weak and refuse to obey me. When I get a good look at June, she’s in the fetal position on the hard floor, her face is red, and Francis’ digits are visible on her skin. She’s so still and silent that I can’t even tell if she’s alive. I would think she wasn’t if it weren’t for the silent tears flowing down her face.

“June… I’m so fucking sorry.” I breathe out a harsh breath, my chest tightening in both physical and emotional pain.

“You need to… get strong…I need you to help me escape. I need you to help me save us.” She whispers.

Just like that, I can no longer hide in my oblivion. I am no longer the only one suffering. In fact, my pain and degradation pales in comparison to hers. My mind and heart agree on a set goal. We need to get us both out of here. Ineed to save her even if it’s the last thing I do.It might take your last breath, my mind whispers. So be it.

Chapter 28


“In every woman, there is a Queen. Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer.” Norwegian proverb

Iwaituntilthehouse is quiet, no steps sound outside my door, and just the soft snoring coming from my sister and Raegan fills my ears. It grates on my nerves that I am trying to sneak out of my own damn house—the one overrun with guests I didn’t invite.

I open the door just enough to slip my body out and walk silently along the hallway, pausing at the top of the landing to ensure that I don’t hear any doors opening behind me. When I’m confident all is still, I make my way down the steps and to the garage door. I purposely left the garage door wide open when I came down for dinner, knowing that if I didn’t, the sound of its opening would wake one of the kings and give it away that I am escaping the confines of this glass prison.Let them try to stop me; I’ll stab whoever tries at this point. I pat my blade hidden in my pocket; I’m taking no chances.

I need to search for Mateo. We are missing something; he has to be out there, somewhere. Someone has him and is keeping him from me. I can’t allow myself to rest or lose hope that we will find him. It’s been over a week with no news of where he is or if he’s even still alive. The possibility that he might not be has my heart fragmenting into small pieces, each of the shards slicing me open on their way down to the ground. I can’t let myself believe it.

I see how the kings are losing hope daily with no updates on where he might be or who took him. We haven’t even heard any updates on where Vincent is at this point or if he’s somehow involved in taking Mateo. My money is on that he is.That snake wouldn’t go away quietly. He’s hiding but still venomous.I am not sure yet how Mateo’s dad fits into this story, but Stella has mercenaries actively looking for him and his wife. When we find them, I will slice him open from throat to crotch and watch as his blood coats all of my fingers before I rip his beating heart out of his chest, like he has done to mine by taking my Mateo.

I slip into the darkness of the garage, the moonlight trailing in, my only source of light to guide me to my battered Range, just sitting there waiting for its mistress to make her escape. Poor baby is all beat up; when this is all over, and I have Mateo back, I will have to get her fixed. A smirk crosses my lips at the memory of poor Adam’s face as I rammed the gate, trying to get off the property.I bet his ass is never going to get in my way again.I have a moment of guilt for the other two guys I ran down at the gate who decided to defy me and stand in my way. They weren’t very intelligent, betting on me stopping just because they were there.

I slip inside my vehicle, my hands clenching around the steering wheel and my spine straightening. Here comes the tricky part, getting off the property without my grandmother’s men or Manuel’s stopping me. I’m prepared to run them all down this time. I’m not allowing them to keep me from my search. My mind and heart won’t rest until I find Mateo.

How do they not understand that? He’s fucking mine, and someone took him from me. I want him back, and I will do whatever is necessary to ensure that I get him back. Hey Mia, you might want to reign in your crazy; you’re starting to sound a lot likeVillanellefromKilling Eve. Good.I’m not above torturing anyone at this point if it means I get my missing king back.

I start the Range and slowly move out of the garage. I’m just about to pick up speed and race down the driveway towards the imposing gate when a shadow darts out in front of my vehicle, and I have to slam on the brakes to stop from hitting it. My headlights illuminate the dark shadow, and I stare into Theo’s penetrating, harsh gaze. He slams his hands down on the hood of the car in apparent rage and then stalks around the front to the passenger side door, wrenching it open—his whole body radiating violence.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, Mia?” His words are harsh and filled with a controlled threat. The vein in his throat is throbbing, and his body is tense as he holds on to the door.

I swallow the lump in my throat. He looks unhinged at the moment, like he might want to wrap those large hands around my throat and throttle me.We might enjoy that, the thought whispers through my mind. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and stare straight ahead through the windshield. “Let go of the door, Theo. You will not stop me from leaving, and I will run your fucking ass over or drag you with me if I have to.” To prove my point, I release my foot off the brake, and the Range rolls forward.

Theo grabs onto the door more firmly, and with a heave of his body and a grunt from his lips, he throws himself into the front passenger seat. “Stop the fucking car, Mia” He reaches over and tries to gain control of the steering wheel, but I’m not having it. I lift my elbow and ram it into his throat until he pulls back with the momentary forced loss of air.

I slam my foot on the gas pedal and have us moving at an accelerated speed toward the gate. This time I have no intention of stopping, no matter who pops up in front of it. If they try to stop me, I will run them the fuck down.

“Mia…stop!” Theo’s hoarse, choked voice fills the cabin of the SUV, but I ignore it and take the last bend before the gate at a charging speed. The gate looms in front of me, a monstrosity of metal, just daring me to escape its confines. “MIA!”
