Page 25 of Fall of a King

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“You will all go back to your fucking rooms and stay out of the main area and halls, no matter what you hear. You will not come out and try to protect me.” I wretch my gaze from Theo’s and look over each of them one by one. My determination is firm in my glare. Theo needs this; he needs to fight back and regain some of his control and be strong. He needs to be that predator on the hunt for his prey, and the quarry he wants is me.He will not hurt me...much.“If you interfere, I will have you physically removed from the property. Do not fucking test me on this.”

“Mia…” My sister’s anguished voice has me closing my eyes.Am I doing the right thing here? Will he hurt me? It doesn’t matter; he’s hurting you by being a broken shell of himself,my mind whispers.

“No. Out. All of you.” I open my eyes to glare at all of them once again. The promise of violence if they don’t comply with my wishes, is implied. Isabella grabs Raegan’s hand, pulling her sobbing form from the room. With a last sorrowful look in my direction, Raven follows them out.

“You better know what you’re doing, little princess; a dead wife is useless to me.” Diego spits out before turning on his heel and leaving the room. I watch as Theo’s nostrils flare at Diego’s words, and his jaw clenches tight. His eyes are frightening, dark, and with pupils blown. He’s more animal right now than human. Real fear slithers down my back, and I almost change my mind.

“Mia don’t do this,” Finn begs.

I never take my eyes away from Theo; to do so right now would be a mistake. I can sense that he’s just barely restraining himself. The need to rage, control, and reclaim what was taken from him is just below the surface. If one of them tries to take me away from him right now, he will explode and hurt them. Brotherhood be damned.

“Go.” I utter, my voice losing some of its firmness.

“FUCK!” Carter shouts.” Theo, don’t fucking hurt her. If you do, bro, I will never forgive you. I will end you myself, brother or not.” Then he stomps from the room, Finn on his heels.

I drag my eyes away from Theo, and they meet Mateo’s. I can see the refusal to leave written all over his features. He’s terrified that Theo will hurt me. I can see it in the lines of his body, in how his hands are clenched to prevent him from grabbing me and tearing me away from Theo. A tear trails down his cheek, a diamond slipping over that beautiful perfection of olive skin. “Please,” he whispers.

I don’t want to hurt him; I know his compassion and empathy are riding him. He wants to help Theo; he loves him like a brother. I know he doesn’t want Theo to hurt me. I implore him with my eyes to understand that this needs to happen and that I know what I have to do. “Trust me, go.” I nod towards the doorway.

I wait until I hear Mateo’s loud, angry steps stomping up the steps and doors opening and slamming closed. I watch Theo; he’s breathing heavily, his shoulders moving harshly with each exhale of breath. His tongue snakes out to lick his dry lips, like a predator smelling and tasting his prey. He blinks and shakes his head, trying to clear whatever is going on in his mind. He stares back at me with a look of perplexion and confusion. I watch as that changes to longing and desire. He wants this; he wants to make me his prey.

“You will not hurt me, Theo. Take what you need from me so you can return to me. I will not accept this shell of what you are now. I want my Theo back. I want him fucking strong.” I stand up slowly, acutely aware that he’s tracking my every movement. His lip curls in a snarl as I back up a step, then another. He’s watching me like a wolf about to hunt down his dinner, and fuck if it isn’t sexy and has both my heart and core squeezing tightly. I clench my thighs together, trying to soothe my needy pussy. The traitorous bitch has always wanted him any time she can get him, and at the moment, she’s weeping for him.

I watch as his shoulders shake, his body coiled tight, muscle rippling beneath flesh still riddled with wounds and bruises. For a moment, I have second thoughts; maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. He’s still recovering from his injuries and surgery. A growl leaves his lips, and I have to suppress a shiver of both fear and anticipation. His hand without the cast clenches and unclenches in anticipation. He brings himself back up to his feet, crouching his body low like he’s going to take a run at me.

My heart gallops in my chest, my hands clammy and shaking, and my mouth goes dry.Fuck. I’ve made a miscalculation. I’m wrong. He’s going to hurt me.I can see it in his eyes and the way his body is preparing to take me down. I should let him take me down to capture me quickly so he doesn’t do something we can’t come back from.NO!My brain screams, that won’t help him, that won’t bring him back to us. Fight back, don’t let him catch us; he doesn’t want easy prey. He needs the chase, the fight, and the desire to dominate is riding him. If I give in to him, I will make the situation worse. I will never get my Theo back.

I take another step backward, cautiously making my way toward the entrance to the kitchen but never taking my eyes off of him—my body trembles with anticipation and fear. I bite down so hard on my bottom lip that I break the skin and taste copper in my mouth.

“Run.” He growls at me before he lunges in my direction.

Chapter 16


“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Joseph Campbell

Idon’thesitate,turningand running in the direction of the kitchen with Theo snarling on my heels. I barely manage to skirt the island and put it between us before he tries to grab me. Theo’s breathing heavily, and I can see anticipation and excitement on his face. If his injuries are causing him any pain, he’s not showing it right now. I dart to the right so I can escape from the kitchen area, but he moves in the same direction. I try skirting to the left, but the counter stools and his body have that way blocked.

I can’t give in, my body is on high alert, and self-preservation has kicked in. I need to escape this space and fight him off. My traitorous pussy begs me to give in and let him have his way with us. It promises that he’s going to make it hurt so good.

Nope, I’m not a weak-ass bitch. He wants a fight; I’m going to give him one. I grab the large glass bowl filled with fruit on the counter and launch it at his head, taking the opportunity to run from the room when he ducks to avoid getting hit in the face. The sound of stools crashing to the floor echoes loudly down the hallway, as does his grunt of pain.Bullseye bitch!

I run down the hallway towards the front of the house, my bare feet sliding across the stone floor, almost making me fall, as my breath leaves me in huge, ragged pants. I hear a crash behind me and look over my shoulder; Theo has banged into the hallway wall, knocking the paintings off. They crash behind him as he stalks toward me. “MIA” He shouts, his voice forceful and rough. The rasp and timber have goosebumps erupting across my skin.

I run into the home office, trying to slam the wooden door behind me. My body shakes with adrenaline, and my heart is threatening to gallop right out of my chest. Just as I’m about to get the door closed all the way, he shoves hard against it, forcing it to slam against the wall and knocking me off my feet. I try to regain my feet as I dash across the room and pick up a heavy table lamp. When he lunges at me, I throw the table lamp at him, but it barely hits him in the shoulder.FUCK!He looks deranged right now. “Theo…please.”

“Oh, you’re going to beg baby, you’re going to beg me nice and loud, and then I’m going to force my hard cock down that pretty throat of yours.” He lunges at me across the desk and grabs my forearm before I can get past him. He uses it to drag me forcefully across the desk, knocking everything off it with my body. I yank my arm back, but his hold is tight, and he doesn’t release me. I use my legs to kick at him and manage to get him in the chest and upper thigh. He momentarily loses his grip on me, and I crash to the floor, half-crawling, half-running away from him toward the door.

“Uh-uh baby, you’re mine.” He lunges at the back of my shirt, his harsh grip ripping the material down my back. The front of the shirt pulls tight against my throat and momentarily chokes me. I scramble, trying to tear away from him, and fall to my knees, crawling towards the door. He lands hard on the back of my legs, straddling and trapping me and knocking me flush to the ground; all the air leaves my body at the impact. Theo grabs a fistful of my hair in a tight grip, holding my head immobile. His heavy breath sounds animalistic and deranged in my ears. Fear skates along my spine at the knowledge that he’s losing control.We wanted him to lose control, my mind whispers.

“You will not escape me, Mia. You’ve been a naughty girl promising to marry other men when you’re fucking mine.” He pulls my hair hard until my neck bows backward, and tears slide down the side of my face. His casted hand grabs onto the front of my shirt and rips the material away from my body until all I have on is a flimsy lace bra. His face moves closer to mine, his warm panting breath skating across my hot flesh. He stares at me with hot molten rage in his eyes as his tongue darts out and licks a line from my temple to my chin. “Your fear tastes delicious.” He snaps his teeth in my face and bites down on the side of my neck.

“Fuck!” I scream at the pain. That wasn’t a fucking love bite; that hurt. I slam my elbow back into his chest over and over until he releases his hold on my hair, and I wiggle to get out from underneath him. He grabs onto the back of my yoga pants by the band and yanks them down past my ass, trapping my thighs with the material in his straining hold. A loud crack sounds in the air as his hand lands on my thong-covered ass, and red-hot pain shoots from my ass cheek.Fucking cunt, that hurt!

“You’ve been a bad girl, baby. Time to take your punishment.” His large palm slaps my other ass cheek just as hard, and a cry escapes my lips at the contact.

“Motherfucker” I grit through my teeth and try to buck him off of my legs. I use my grip on the area rug to try to pull myself once again from underneath his body. I get one leg free from his rough hold and kick him in the shoulder. It makes him lose his precarious balance on me and fall backward on his elbows. I use the split second of freedom to make it to the door and out of the room. He manages to grab onto the back of my bra, yanking it hard and using it to pull me back towards him. The material digs into my skin before finally snapping, and the straps slide down my arms toward my elbows, trapping them. Theo tightens his hold on the material forcing my arms to my side.Fuck, I’m a captive once again!
