Page 99 of Sate the Darkness

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Bertha blinked. “Is that possible?”

“I do not know.” Levet was instantly intrigued by the thought. Possessing a god-repellent spell would certainly be worth exploring. “Perhaps I should check in Jagr’s library,” he said, speaking more to himself than his aunt.

“Later,” Bertha suggested.

“Oui. Later.” Levet’s wings drooped. “I promised Inga that I would not take off each time a new thought entered my head.”

“Good luck with that,” Bertha breathed.

“It is very hard,” Levet agreed. He couldn’t count on how many occasions he’d been prepared to flit away from the castle only to force himself to stay. “But Inga is worth the effort.”

Bertha sent him a stern glance. “Yes, she is.”

Levet tilted his head to the side. Over the past few weeks he’d heard a number of fantastic tales of how he’d managed to be rescued from the minotaurs. Most of them included the female standing in front of him.

“I am happy you have popped in,” he said. “I was told that you attacked the King of Vampires and forced him to send his warriors to rescue me. And that you bartered with Gaia to ensure my safe return.”

She waved a dismissive hand. “Something like that. I was worried about you.”

Levet’s heart warmed. “Thank you.”

Bertha looked confused. “For what?”

“For caring.” The words were simple, but there was nothing simple in the emotions that surged through Levet.

He’d spent his life being detested by his mother, mocked by other demons, and even enslaved because he was different. To have someone risk themselves to rescue him…

It meant more than he could express.

“We’re family.” Bertha reached out to brush her fingers lightly over the top of his wing. “We have to stick together.”

“True.” Levet nodded. He would do anything to protect Bertha. “Do you wish to see Inga?”

Bertha shook her head. “Not on this visit. I just came to tell you that I won’t be around for a while.”

Levet studied her rigid expression. “Is it time for your hibernation?”

“No. I’m going to spend some time in the netherworld.”

Levet flapped his wings, his eyes narrowing. “Is Hades forcing you to go with him?”

Bertha made a sound of disbelief. “Don’t be ridiculous. No male forces me to do anything I don’t want to do.”

Okay. That was true. He’d once seen Bertha rip a drunken troll in two when he tried to touch her wing.

“Then why?”

She turned her head to study the marble statue of Poseidon. As if she was embarrassed to reveal the truth.

“I’ve decided to get to know him better,” she muttered. “Plus, I want to be close in case some brazen goddess tries to take advantage of him.”

Levet was brave. In fact, he was the bravest demon he’d ever known. But he wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t going to press for answers his aunt obviously didn’t want to share.

“Um…very well. I will miss you.”

She turned back to send him a grateful smile. “As I will miss you. Take care of yourself, Levet.” She leaned down until they were eye to eye. “And never stop listening to your heart. It’s what makes you special.”

Giving him a pat between the horns, Bertha straightened and turned to leave.

“Be careful,” Levet called out.

She glanced over her shoulder, sending him a small smile. “Not a chance in hell.”
