Page 16 of Sate the Darkness

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“Protected by what?”

“Sometimes creatures who live inside the labyrinth. Sometimes it’s magical snares.”

Sofie grimaced. She would prefer to battle a horde of trolls than to deal with magic. Vampires had no defense against spells.

“What happens if you get caught in a snare?”

“You remain trapped for eternity. If you’re lucky. If not…” He held her gaze. “You die.”

She tilted her chin. He was deliberately attempting to frighten her. Why? Because he didn’t want to enter the portal? Maybe his boast of being able to outwit the minotaurs was nothing more than a lie.

“If it’s so difficult, how did you manage to navigate it?” she demanded.

“My imp blood allows me to see through illusions.”

“Then any fey creature can get through?”

He sent her a startled glance. As if it was a ridiculous question. “Of course not. I’m the only one capable of that particular feat.”


The wicked smile returned. The creature even had the audacity to step closer to her, his gaze locked on her lips.

“Because I’m multitalented. Would you like a demonstration?”

Sofie hissed. She didn’t know what bothered her more. Ryshi’s arrogance or his potent sensuality, which was threatening to destroy her shell of detachment.

Both, she finally decided, touching the hilt of her blade strapped around her waist.

“Are you trying to piss me off?”

“I don’t have to try.” He arched a mocking brow. “I’m guessing that pissed-off is your go-to mood setting.”

Sofie snapped her fangs together. She was a vampire. A lethal predator and a demon who stood on top of the evolutionary ladder. She wasn’t going to embarrass herself by squabbling like a child with this male.

No matter how annoying he might be.

“Tell me why you can get through and no one else can,” she commanded.

His smile widened, but thankfully he answered her question. “Jinn are creatures of mist and magic. I become part of the illusion.”

“It doesn’t sense you are an intruder?”

“Exactly.” His smile faded, his beautiful face suddenly hard with an unmistakable warning. “You, however, sweet Sofie, will set off all sorts of alarms.”

There was an unmistakable sincerity in his voice. “What are you saying?”

“It would be better for both of us if you would wait for me here while I retrieve the gargoyle.”

Her brows snapped together. A part of her was willing to accept that he was telling the truth. It seemed perfectly plausible that his jinn blood allowed him to pass unnoticed by the magic of the labyrinth. And that her own presence was going to be far more dangerous. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a choice. Styx had ordered her to retrieve the gargoyle. And that’s what she was going to do. No matter how difficult the job.

“I’m sure it would be better for you if I stayed here,” she said dryly. “Then you could disappear in a puff of smoke.”

“Why, Sofie,” he drawled. “Are you implying you don’t trust me?”

“I don’t trust anyone.”

He stilled, as if her words had caught him off guard. Then he lifted his hand, as if he intended to touch her cheek.
