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He kissed me, treated me like I should be happy he’s giving me attention, and walked off.

The arrogant asshole.

The sick, arrogantbastard.

And the worst part is, I hate how my body betrayed me the moment his lips touched mine.

Stupid body doesn’t know what’s good for it.

I need a husband if I want to make my family proud of me for the first time in my life, but that husband willneverbe Ford Arc. Not now, not in a million years.

I’m supposed to be buying my mother more time to get herself together before Grandfather finally cuts her off entirely.

Not ruining everything by getting involved with a man like Ford.

I will not call him. I will not call him.

I willnotcall him, no matter what.

Chapter 6


She doesn’t call me.

I’m surprised by how much that stings. I didn’t really expect her to and still some part of me kept waiting for a text to appear, something flirty and witty, not necessarily dirty, just something that means she’s still thinking about that kiss.

But there’s nothing. And it pisses me off.

“I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me,” I say while sitting at the bar of the Oak Club. A half-empty whiskey sweats onto a coaster between my hands.

Carmine laughs and knocks back his drink before asking for another. “From my understanding, you barged into the girl’s cab, basically told her to start sexting with you, and kissed her before running off into the night like some extremely psycho creepy superhero?”

“When you put it that way—”

“You scared theshitout of her, Ford.”

I laugh and shake my head. “You should’ve seen her though. She wasn’t scared, not one tiny bit. She was livid and kind of into it.”

Carmine sighs and swirls his drink. He stares at the ice and shakes his head like he can’t believe I’d do something so stupid, except he’s known me since we went to Blackwoods College together nearly a decade ago now, and the bastard is well aware that I’m basically a crazy person. Besides, I’m not kidding—Kat really did look like she couldn’t get enough of it while simultaneously wishing she could rip off my skull. It was without a doubt the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

“What I don’t get is, why her? I mean, I understand what youseein her—the girl is attractive. Not my type, I’m not into redheads, but she’s got a good figure.”

“Beautiful figure,” I agree. “And I happen to very much be into redheads.”

“But still, whyher? There are plenty of hot, curvy redheads, if that’s your thing right now. Doesn’t your family hate her family?”

“Everyone keeps saying that.”

“And is it wrong?”

I shrug and take a sip to hide my hesitation. “Does my grandfather hate her grandfather? Yes, definitely, and her grandfather feels the same way. Do some of the other people in my family hate her family? Okay, yes, we’re in a feud and everyone takes it way too seriously, except it’s over some bullshit from generations ago and none of it matters anymore. It’s all an endless cycle of attacks and revenge and idiocy. Someone might as well stop it.”

“You think you’re going to break the cycle by fucking her is what you’re saying.”

I give him a look. “I will remind you that she’s looking for ahusband. And yes, pretty much, I’m going to fuck her and end a war. That’s actually kind of noble, right?”

“Actually, her grandfather is looking for a husband for her,” he says and grins at me. “That’s a big difference. And no, Ford, there’s absolutely nothing noble in what you’re doing.”

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