Page 58 of Fighting Beta

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Feng smiled and pulled her onto his lap. “Zumu Fen will explode with excitement. Twin omegas are exceptionally rare.”

“I know that.” She stared at the picture of the grainy grey blobs against the black background. “Oh, boy. Polly will be excited. Two cousins for her triplets.”

Benjiro nodded. “Your next appointment for a development check is in two weeks. So, two little girls to start the family.”

Olly muttered, “Multiples are considered a high-risk pregnancy, and I probably won’t get to term.”

Feng kissed her neck. “We will get you as far as we can and carry you the rest of the way if we have to.”

She sighed, but there was always the worry that he wouldn’t be home when she went into labour, but she kept the worry from him.

* * * *

Five months later, Feng was preparing for a bout when the arena screens went blank and then filled by a sweaty Olly, who was in a hospital gown and grimacing.

“Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Feng won’t be fighting today, and if he does, he is never going to see his babies because I warned the twit they were going to come early.”She paused and grimaced.“Right. Feng, Niko sent transport, and it will be in the parking lot in six minutes. Also, your manager wouldn’t notify you that I was in labour, but fortunately, the arena management thought this would be hilarious.”

Feng unwrapped his wrist tape and headed for the exit at top speed. The crowd cheered wildly. Behind him, he heard,“And for the poor sap that Feng was about to beat into the floor, if you try mocking him or trash-talking him for this, I will come there the moment that my stitches heal and pound your face into the posts.”She groaned and breathed through her nose.“Olly Thorn Zhang signing off.”

* * * *

Benjiro saw him and grinned. “We brought you a change of clothes.”

The pack delivery room was large, and Feng slid to a stop beside Olly. “Effective message, love.”

She nodded and grunted. “Can I have some mate fire, please?”

He covered her mouth with his and exhaled fire into her. The white-haired Luna walked up and gloved up. “All right. You keep that up, and I will catch the little ones. Nora, you have the towels?”

“Ready to go.”

Benjiro took a deep breath and held Olly’s hand.

“Okay, Olly. When you feel a contraction, start pushing.”

Olly dragged in the fire and started pushing. Apparently, this part took a village.

Benjiro’s hand was healed, and Olly was clean and dressed with her twins in her arms. Feng was staring at his daughters and grinning. Olly had recorded a video with them, and it was going to be forwarded to the PR team at the arena. The call she had made was already going viral.

Feng smiled. “Two and perfect.”

Taio came back on his run for takeout. “Lady Fen is here, and she will not takeAh! My foot!For an answer.”

The great-grandmother swept in with the grandparents behind her.

“Twins! You never said twins, Olly!” She was excited and walked up to the bed. Her hands were flexing.

Feng smiled. “Olly, may Zumu Fen hold them?”

Olly handed the first baby to Fen, and she said, “This is Anastasia, and this is Drisella.”

Fen paused. “I have seen that movie, Olly.”

Olly smiled. “We actually thought we would have the most fortunate names selected for them.”

Fen smiled. “Really? I know just the person.”


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