Page 57 of The Choice

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Keeping my head straight, I walked past several tables of people eating their dinner. Bowls of pasta, veal parmigiana, pizza, and dozens of other dishes fought for my attention, but my eyes remained focused, looking for a black baseball cap and jacket.

Then I heard my father’s voice. It came from a private room near the back. I turned to find the hostess busy greeting other guests. I retreated a few steps and listened carefully outside of the door.

“I admit, you’ve come through for us. I didn’t think you would.” The man’s voice was deeper than any other I’d heard before. He had the same local accent, nothing foreign or too refined. He sounded like he could have been one of the boys I grew up with, and that worried me.

“I told you I could handle it,” my father said.

“Yeah, well, I’ve heard that before, but you delivered. John, pay the man so we can eat.”

Fabric rustled and a palm slid across a table. “Thank you,” my father said. Then he cleared his throat. “So, what’s next?”

My heart beat once.

“Excuse me?” the deep voice asked.

“I mean, I don’t have to stop. I can do this again for you.”

“Look, I appreciate your enthusiasm. But they’ve seen your face twice now. We don’t want anyone suspecting anything. You’re done, Peter.”

“But I need this. I have bills to pay and a daughter to put through school. She’s paying her way now, but she can’t afford graduate school. Please, tell me what else I can do.”

“You can go home, Peter. I don’t have anything else for you.”

Someone pushed a chair back and its legs scraped against the wood floor.

“Wait,” my father said. “What if I have something for you?”

“Hold on, John.”

Silence. I wished I could poke my head inside and see what was happening.

“What are you talking about, Peter?”

“I might have something at work that would interest you. It could be worth your while.”

“And how do you plan to do the job?”

“I haven’t figured out the details yet. But leave it with me.”

“I don’t have a lot of patience. So don’t fuck around with me.”

“I’ll have it to you in a couple of days, I promise.”

“Fine,” he said in a low voice. “We’ll send a car around in a few days. But you better not be wasting my time.”

“I won’t. Thank you.”

At the sound of the first footstep, I ran down the hallway and pushed open the bathroom door.

I pressed my back against the door. My heart slammed against my chest and I closed my eyes to catch my breath.

Who were those men?


What did my father just agree to?

