Page 76 of The Remake

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This position hadn’t come up since I started with the company, so who knew when the next one would be available.

“Mr. Fromer, have you made your decision, then?”

He tucked the laptop under his arm and checked his watch again. “We haven’t made a formal announcement, but we think we have a candidate in mind.” His gaze shifted to Faith and she smiled.

“And there’s nothing I can do to change your mind? I’ve put together a portfolio of my work and achievements I can share with the team via email. I have it ready to send now.” I pulled out my phone and opened the app to my cloud.

“It’s too late, Grace. You had your opportunity and you missed it. I’ve got to go. Excuse me.” He stepped out of the boardroom and the moment he turned the corner, I lost my composure. My legs wobbled and I sat down at the mahogany desk, dropping my head in my hands.

What am I going to do now? I needed this promotion… I couldn’t afford the new medication without it, and definitely not transplant surgery.

I raised my head at the soft knock on the door. Omar pressed down on his lips. “I take it the meeting didn’t go well.”

“Well, apparently I completely missed the meeting and no, Mr. Fromer wouldn’t allow me to reschedule or send my portfolio to the team.”

“Asshole,” he whispered under his breath.

“Maybe. Or maybe he’s right. I messed up and people who mess up don’t get second chances at work.”

“You know that’s not true, Grace.”

“Do I? I work harder than anyone here, Omar. I should have known better, but…”

“But what?”

“Never mind. That’s not the issue right now. Right now, I have to figure this situation out for my mom’s sake.”

“Have you tried contacting human resources, putting your mother under your insurance plan? We have decent benefits.”

“They won’t consider her a dependent. I’ve tried to argue this many times, but they keep finding loopholes that deny her. It’s so damn frustrating!” I smacked the table, then dropped my head again.

I’d never lost my composure at work. Never. But I felt lost and broken. All those late nights working until midnight, only to wake up early the next morning and start all over again. All those weekends I spent reviewing accounts instead of binge-watching TV shows, all because I thought it would pay off. In the end, meant nothing.

Absolutely fucking nothing.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I was too angry to let them fall. I knew Faith could see me now and while she was probably enjoying my anger, I wouldn’t let her see me cry. Balling my fists, I stood from the boardroom chair.

“I’m heading back to my desk,” I said. “I need to figure out what happens next.”

“I believe in you, Grace. And sometimes everything works out for a reason.”

“Too soon,” I said, fighting my bottom lip not to quiver. “But thank you.”

I walked to my desk and closed my eyes.

“Good morning, Grace.” Jackson stood by my cubicle, his eyes searching mine. “Are you all right?”

I cleared my throat and put on a smile. “Yes, perfectly fine. How can I help you?”

“I emailed you last night about tomorrow’s audit location.”

I groaned inwardly. “I haven’t had a chance to open it yet. I—”

“That’s perfect. The location has changed and I wanted to tell you in person before you wrote it in your calendar.”

“Thank you, Jackson. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.” Then he tilted his head and said, “I heard about the meeting this morning and I just want you to know that I think you’re very professional and deserve that position, regardless of what anyone else says.”
