Page 75 of The Mix-Up

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“Didn’t look like nothing. What did she say?”

“She said she can’t get past what happened,” I muttered, rubbing my bottom lip with my finger.

“She said that?”

“Not in those words exactly, no,” I mumbled. “But it’s what she meant.”

“You know, for a man that’s dated a lot, you understand shit about women.”

“Fuck off, Ryan.”

He laughed, but I didn’t find the conversation amusing.

A few minutes later, he asked, “Can you get past it? Can you forgive her?”

“Of course I can. I already forgave her. She’s the one who’s still mad at me.”

“I don’t think you were ever mad at Frances for lying to you. I think you were mad that someone you cared about fooled you again.”

I hated him. I hated that he’d said it aloud to me. Hated it because it was the truth I’d realized long ago but thought I could hide it from my brothers.

“Yeah. I get it. I screwed up before. Lost it all and now I can’t be trusted to figure things out on my own.”

“Colton, it doesn’t matter how many times we tell you it wasn’t your fault and that we forgive you. Brother, it won’t matter until you forgive yourself.”

“I don’t get you, Ryan. It’s why you did it. It’s why you hired the investigator. You’re the one who wanted to prove she was lying. Now you want me to get her back?”

“Yeah. Your worst fear just came true. So, what are you going to do about it? Face it or run from it?”

I ground my back teeth until my jaw hurt.

He pounded on the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. “Get your head out of your ass and fight for what you want.”

“I am fighting!” I shouted. “She’s the one that doesn’t want to fight for us.”

“Just because she’s not shouting doesn’t mean she isn’t fighting.”

Damn it! Was she fighting? Was there still a chance for us?



Sterling Realty wasn’t a large office, but the personalities of its sales team made up for its size. A few of the top-selling agents exchanged back slaps and handshakes. Their latest celebration was taking over the office. I stayed in my seat despite my colleagues inviting me for a glass of champagne. I wasn’t in the celebratory mood.

I walked over to the printer to pick up the copies of the presentation I’d made for Mariam’s afternoon meeting. We had a busy schedule today and I looked forward to losing myself in my work.

I hadn’t called Colton, even though I held the phone in my hands every night, willing myself to do so. What would I even say—I’m sorry for lying? I wasn’t. I forgive you for treating me like some cheating spouse. Of course not; I was obviously still sour about it. I needed more time.

My desk vibrated and a message pinged on my phone. My heart jumped. Slowly, I picked up my cell phone and saw Marco’s name on the screen. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. Maybe both.

Marco: Clear your schedule tonight. We’re all going to Zia Lisa’s house for dinner.

My aunt Lisa was my mother’s sister. We lived only a few blocks away from her family and grew up alongside her kids. We often had dinner at each other’s homes, but it had been a few months since we’d gotten together.

Me: Mom and dad coming too?

Marco: Yup. We’ll probably start a card game.
