Page 95 of Ace of All Hearts

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“You know…,” she hesitates. “You know how you and Lik have this kinky shit going on.”

“If that’s what you want to call it,” I chuckle. She’s serious, which simmers down my giddiness right away. I give her a look to tell her I’m listening. “Yes, I know. We talked about it this morning.”

“Yeah, we did…were you for real? When you said there’s more we can do with it?”

I wonder if she can sense how much I want to say yes to that question. How much I’m dying to drag her into my world of kink. She would love it, I know that. She’s already proven it many times. But if she doesn’t want to go willingly, it’s not my place to force her. I will love her either way.

I nod slowly, still trying to think of the right answer. “I meant it, absolutely. But ultimately, it’s your choice.”

“I just don’t know if it’s for me.”

I want to give her a knowing look. Something that would tell her how wet she gets when she submits. I decide not to and to go for an honest conversation instead. “What makes you say that?”

“I just…I like being strong. I like being a decision-maker and a leader. I don’t have a submissive personality.”

“You are strong, Lovebug. You’re hard as fuck. You’re a war leader. Nothing stops you from dropping the arms and letting yourself get taken care of from time to time, though.”

“I don’t like being told what to do,” she fights back.

“And don’t we know it.” I turn to her just to show her the smile she put on my face. “That’s what makes it so fun for Lik, Rach, and me.”

“You guys like it because I change for you.”

“You make us feel special,” I admit. “It’s the best feeling in the world coming from you. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be able to dominate a strong woman like you in bed, Rose? The world is at the tip of my fingers when I do so. Especially when I see how much you love it.”

She doesn’t deny it, even as I can sense her conflicting feelings.

“Power exchange is an intimate and fragile thing,” I explain. “You have to know that at the end of the day, you’re the one in control. You get to stop it whenever you want, and we’ll keep doing anything to satisfy you.”

She falls silent again, and I’m the one who does all the talking for once. I feel a need to express my feelings. “I want to do wicked things to you,” I admit. “I want to do them with Lik and Rachel. I want to go much further than what we’ve started. But I can promise you one thing. I'm here to support you no matter what you want out of this relationship. I will put you first. Always.”

She looks out the window, her mind probably fighting stubborn battles in her head. She lets out a soft chuckle before she talks. “You know, for such a long time, that’s all I wanted. To be loved so much by someone that they would make me their queen. That they would own me entirely.”

To think that’s all I’ve ever wanted to give to her. I’m not even the only one.

“But I’ve told you before. I rule all of this. Myself mainly. I don’t want you to ever forget it.”

I go to defend my point, telling her that we love her enough that she can let her guard down and give us her heart safely. But I stop myself short.

This is not about letting her guard down. This is who she wholeheartedly is. She is the strongest woman I have ever had the pleasure to have in my life, and who are we to try and bring her down from exactly where she belongs? A goddess should never have to leave heaven for the sake of mortals. A king should never have to leave his throne for love. No, we should be the ones kneeling at her feet for letting us be part of her life.

When she understands I’ve stopped contradicting her, my mouth still agape from cutting myself off, she puts a hand at the back of my neck, massaging the tension there. I glance at her, recognizing the winning smile that suits her so well.

“I’m glad you see it, too,” she tells me softly. “The three of you do. And for that, I can make the decision to give each of you a piece of my heart. We all know who is truly in charge, so I feel safe giving myself to all of you behind closed doors.” She takes a deep breath. “Power exchange. I like the sound of that.”

It’s a hard thing to describe the feeling that crosses my entire body when I understand she is giving me the green light to push our BDSM adventures further. Physically, it’s a warmth that spreads through my whole body. It tingles in my belly, lightens my chest, and accelerates my heartbeat.

Mentally, it’s a liberation like I’ve never felt before. Rose White is giving me the right to dominate her. Offering me, Lik, and Rachel her submission. Nothing will ever feel like this again in my life, and I cherish the moment with all I have.

Of course, she has to ruin it.

“I didn’t know we were going camping,” she tells me mockingly.

“What?” I snap out of my bubble of happiness.

“It must be the only explanation for the tent in your pants.”

I hadn’t realized I’d gotten hard from this entire conversation. Rose’s empowerment will do that to you. My dick is tenting my jeans profusely, and she giggles at the face I’m making.

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