Page 87 of Daddy's Laws

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They rode in silence, the kind that seemed to grow thicker with every passing second. When they were finally in front of MaryAnn’s apartment, Shannon laced the fingers of her free hand through Bryant’s. Giving her hand a tight squeeze, he lifted his other fist and rapped on her door.

Judging by the wide, red-rimmed eyes, she’d already gotten the call. “What are you doing here?”

“May we come in?”

“Yes.” The three of them stepped inside and she shut the door behind them, a shy, tremulous smile on her face. “To be honest, I don’t really want to be alone right now.”

“Well, that’s good to hear, because I have someone I want you to meet. MaryAnn Foster, this is Dean Mitchell. He’ll be your personal security for the foreseeable future, until that asshole is back in a jail cell where he belongs.”

Somehow, her eyes had gone even wider as he’d talked. “Bryant, I can’t afford private security. I can barely afford my rent right now.”

“Don’t worry about the cost, ma’am.” Again, Dean’s smile flashed. “It’s being handled. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll brew us up some coffee to go with these delicious donuts Bryant brought over for us.”

“She doesn’t drink coffee,” Shannon said, her eyes rolling up to the ceiling. “I didn’t even know humans could function without caffeine, but apparently it makes her jittery.” She grinned at MaryAnn, and pride swelled in Bryant’s chest. It would be pushing things to say the two women had become friends over the past few weeks, but the hostility had all but disappeared and Shannon was often just as protective of MaryAnn as Bryant himself.

“Not a problem.” Dean switched gears, smooth as silk. “What kind of donut would you like?”

Fisting her hands on her hips, MaryAnn glared at each of them in turn. “I don’t want a donut. I want to know what’s going on.”

“Good girl,” Shannon muttered beneath her breath. Bryant couldn’t have agreed more. In spite of the circumstances, he was delighted to see her standing up for herself.

“I’m sorry, MaryAnn.” Though he was loath to leave Shannon’s side, he stepped forward and took the other woman’s hands in his own. “It isn’t safe for you here. The security on your building is…”

“You can say it sucks,” she said dryly.

“Fine. It sucks. Because it sucks, we’re going to need to move you to a safe house until they get him back behind bars.” Or six feet in the ground, as far as Bryant was concerned.

He’d expected tears, maybe some dramatics. But to his continued surprise, MaryAnn simply glanced from him to Dean and back again. “All right. Do I have time to pack?”

“Of course. Including yours, we have three cars, so take whatever you need.”

“Thank you.”

She turned, back straight, head held high, and disappeared down a short hall to what he assumed was her bedroom. Turning, he saw Dean watching her, an unmistakable look of interest on his face, and Bryant had to force himself not to smile.

He knew plenty of people in security. Nobody as good as Dean himself, but plenty of people who could have gotten the job done. None of them, however, had that one quality that had made him think of Dean first, however.

They weren’t Daddies. And if he’d ever met a woman in desperate need of a gentle, understanding Daddy like Dean, it was MaryAnn. Even if nothing romantic happened between them, the poor woman didn’t need someone barking orders at her all the time. Dean would keep her safe without breaking her spirit, which was just as important as her physical safety as far as Bryant was concerned.

It didn’t take long for MaryAnn to return with a suitcase and duffel bag in tow. Dean stepped forward and slipped the bag from her shoulders. “We should get going,” he said, shooting Bryant a meaningful look.

Right. Nathaniel Cooke had an eight-hour head start, which meant he could be anywhere by now.

Drawing in a deep breath, MaryAnn nodded. “I’m ready.”

Shannon surprised them all by stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the other woman. After a moment of hesitation, MaryAnn let go of her suitcase and returned the embrace, clinging tightly to Shannon’s sweater.

“It’s going to be okay.” Pulling back slightly, Shannon grinned again. “Dean is going to keep you safe, because he knows I’ll kick his ass if he doesn’t. Right, Dean?”


The playful banter made MaryAnn giggle as she swiped at her eyes. “Thank you.”

“Dean, why don’t you take her down. Shannon and I will do a quick check, make sure everything is turned off and unplugged, then we’ll be right behind you.”

“Sounds good.”

MaryAnn passed off her keys so they could lock the deadbolt behind them and followed Dean out the front door. As soon as they were gone, Bryant turned and reached for Shannon. She all but ran into his arms, burying her face against his neck.

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