Page 81 of Daddy's Laws

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Leaning against the door frame, she watched him for a while before she finally spoke up. “What’s got you so grumpy this morning, lawyer-boy?”

To her delight, he jumped at the sound of her voice, sending papers fluttering to the floor.

“Fucking hell, princess. You scared the shit out of me.”

“That’s what you get for leaving a naked woman in your bed on a Sunday morning.” Crossing the room, she straddled his lap. “Sundays are for brunch and sex, not work.”

“Brunch, I can definitely do.” Strong hands cupped her bottom, kneading gently. “But I think sex should wait until we talk.”

“How about brunch, sex, then more sex, dinner, some more sex, and then maybe talking.”

“Nice try, princess. Your options are brunch and talk, and then sex. Or a spanking, brunch, a talk, and then I fuck you, but you don’t get to come the rest of the day. What’s it going to be?”

Her pussy clenched at the threat. “Brunch and talking it is, then.”

“Good girl.” He patted her bottom and she nearly melted into a puddle then and there. “Go have a seat at the table and I’ll make us something to eat.”

With an exaggerated sigh, she did as she was told. For an townhouse kitchen, his was a good size, and the built-in eating nook lent it an extra layer of charm.

He made pancakes, and they chatted easily while he worked. Well, she chatted, mostly about her work, and he listened, laughing at her funny stories and commiserating over difficult clients.

But when he sat their plates on the table and slid onto the bench across from her, the butterflies in her stomach took flight and her appetite deserted her.

“Did you mean what you said last night?” she blurted out when he didn’t immediately speak up. “About not giving up on us?”

“Every word.”

“You said you had some stuff to figure out. What stuff?”

For once, he was the one left looking uncomfortable by their conversation. “I spent weeks trying to come up with something to prove myself to you. Some grand gesture to let you know how fucking sorry I was and to prove you could trust me again.”


“And… I eventually realized there wasn’t one. I had broken your trust and it was going to take more than pretty flowers and a barrage of text messages to fix that.”

“So, you gave up.”

“No. I stepped back. I gave you the space I thought you needed to work things out for yourself, and I actually had a very elaborate plan to win you back. Starting with tricking you and Livvy into having dinner together so you two could make up.” Lips twitching, he reached across the table and laced his fingers with hers. “But as usual, you apparently had other ideas.”

“It wasn’t planned. It just sort of happened.”

“Will you tell me about it?”

Shrugging with a nonchalance she didn’t feel, she pulled her hand from his and dropped it into her lap. “I already told you the basics. I went to a party and the hostess had someone all lined up for me. She’d told me about him before I got there. Handsome, rich as Midas, and a strict Daddy who could put a brat in her place with a single look.”

“He sounds perfect for you.” Despite the glib response, pain radiated from his pale eyes. “What happened?”

“He wasn’t you.”

Bryant’s grin flashed fierce and proud, but faded again almost as quickly. “You didn’t seem very happy about that fact last night.”

“I wasn’t. I’m still not,” she admitted quietly. “You hurt me, Bryant. Worse, you kept something hugely important from me. I don’t know how we come back from that.”

“I know. And I know I could apologize every day for the rest of my life and it wouldn’t erase those mistakes. But if you give me the chance, I swear I will spend every second of the rest of my life proving I deserve your trust again.”

It wasn’t going to be easy, for either of them. But if there was anybody worth risking her heart for again, it was him. “All right.”

The words had barely left her mouth before he had her up and in his arms, kissing her until they were both breathless and needy again. Pancakes long forgotten, they made their way back to the bedroom where it seemed as if he were intent to make up every missed moment from the last two months.

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