Page 60 of Daddy's Laws

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“Daddy said naughty words.”

“Sorry, princess. I’ll do better.”

She swayed slightly when he put her on her feet so he could turn the shower on. “Do I get to wash your mouth out with soap?” Another giggle escaped, followed by a whine as he slipped the blindfold off and the harsh lights of the bathroom stabbed her in the eyes. The dress went next, and she had to lean against the shower stall as he stripped down.

“Not a chance. But I’m sure I can think of a way to make it up to you. In you go, princess.”

The warm water pelting her skin prodded her awake enough to obey his instructions as he lathered her body. Another whine escaped when he pressed the washcloth against her abused hole.

“Poor little princess. Are you sore from having Daddy’s cock in your bottom?”

“Yes. Hurts,” she confirmed with a pout.

“I’m sure it does. But you took it so beautifully. You were incredible, baby.”

He continued praising her in his quiet, soothing voice, nearly lulling her into sleep before they’d left the shower. Once they were dry, he guided her to the bed where she curled up with her head on his chest.

“I wish we could stay. Not enough time,” she mumbled as she closed her eyes.

“Get some sleep, baby. Daddy isn’t going anywhere.”


“My absolute favorite room in this house is the master bedroom. The closet is not only huge, it comes with tons of built-in storage. I think your wife will absolutely love it.” Glancing behind her, she sent her potential client another dazzling smile.

“Is there an en suite bathroom?”

“Of course.” Facing ahead again, she allowed herself an eye roll. Either he’d been watching too much HGTV or he fancied himself a realtor. The entire tour he’d been tossing out words and phrases the average Joe generally didn’t use, almost as if he were trying to impress her. Normally it didn’t bother her, but something about him rubbed her the wrong way. Now all she really wanted to do was get out of there and head back home. Maybe she’d hit Olivia up, see if she could swing by her house for a bit. Ever since the second murder, she’d been spending most of her evenings there, even sleeping over on occasion. Luckily, Liv’s sexy ass husband didn’t mind.

It didn’t hurt that Liv’s even sexier brother-in-law was usually there, too. Hovering over the both of them like the killer might sneak in and snatch them both from right under his and James’s noses. She gave him a hard time over it, but she secretly loved it. Not that she would ever admit it to anyone else, but it had been so long since she’d had a daddy to worry over her and as much as she didn’t want to, she missed the attention.

But before she could go terrorize Bryant, she needed to wrap up this damn tour. Stepping into the spacious bedroom, she plastered on another smile and turned back to her client.

Pain exploded along her right cheek as she stumbled backward, tripping over her own feet and landing hard on her ass. Rolling onto her hands and knees, she scrambled for the bathroom, but something stiff and pointed connected with her ribs.

“Filthy whore.” It wasn’t the words that had her freezing in place as terror wrapped its icy cold fingers around her heart. It was the pure, undiluted hatred, the rage in every syllable.

In that moment, she knew. He meant to kill her, and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

Blow after blow rained down as he screamed obscenities at her, accusing her of fucking her way to the top, of using her sexuality to sell houses. Until finally, he stopped, leaving her broken and weeping on the floor of a stranger’s bedroom.

But he wasn’t done with her. Flipping her onto her back, he straddled her stomach, pinning her in place as he wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed. She clawed at his arms, a wild animal desperate to escape the trap it had so stupidly fallen into.

The pain in her chest grew, expanding until she was sure her lungs would burst. Darkness crept into the edges of her vision, and her struggles ceased as the world went black.

* * *

Proppedup in bed beside a still dead-to-the-world Shannon, Bryant scowled at the screen of his laptop. Between spending time with Shannon and working on MaryAnn’s case, he hadn’t had time for the work he’d planned to do during his ‘vacation’.

But when the words on the screen all seemed to jumble together, he slammed the lid of his laptop closed and leaned back against the headboard, scrubbing his hands over his face. His heart just wasn’t in the work today. It was still out on the balcony, reveling in the memories of their semi-public scene from the night before.

It had been a risk, but god had it been worth the small chance of being spotted from the beach. Even now, he could picture how she’d looked, her tan skin glowing in the moonlight as he’d fucked her. There had been something inexplicably taboo about being completely clothed while he’d been balls deep in her tight little asshole.

He couldn’t wait to do it again.

Probably not this week, unfortunately. She’d be too sore for a few days, and he wasn’t enough of a jerk to risk truly injuring her for his own enjoyment.

Maybe it was time to start thinking about moving into something larger, with more privacy. A house in the suburbs would never do for him, but maybe somewhere a little further outside the city limits would work. A nice little spot with plenty of land, so he could have his way with her out in the open as often as he pleased.

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